We are responsible for planning permission for new and existing properties that are within the New Forest district.
Prior to building a new property or making changes to an existing property, you must apply to us for planning permission. We also provide guidance for householders, businesses and developers.
We have an interactive map available where you can view information relating to your property including Planning Constraints.
We are inviting residents, businesses, and stakeholders to share their views as part of the latest Local Plan Issues and Scope consultation, which runs from Monday 17 February 2025 until Friday 4 April 2025. . Find out how you can get involved in our local plan review.
View or comment on a planning application
Find planning applications, follow their progress and submit comments.
Submit a planning application
Apply for planning permission when you are building or changing a property.
Planning guidance for householders
Advice for householders making changes to their homes.
Planning guidance for businesses
Advice for a business making changes to its property.
Planning guidance for developers
Advice for developers making changes to a property or creating new properties.
- Pre-application planning advice
- Submit a planning application
- Deciding planning applications
- Development affecting European nature conservation areas
- Nutrient neutral development
- Monitoring charges for legal agreements
- Developer Contributions Information
- Permitted development rights for developers
- Permission in principle
Guidance on CIL, developer contributions and our infrastructure delivery plan
Planning policy
The Local Development Framework is the basis for decisions on planning applications.
- Development Plan
- Planning policy guidance
- Neighbourhood planning
- Local Development Scheme
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Monitoring
- Brownfield land register
- Housing Delivery Test
- Self-build and custom housebuilding register
- Response to National Planning Policy Framework consultation
- Further Call for Sites
Trees and hedges
Guidance for trees on council land, make a high hedge complaint, and Tree Preservation Orders.
Conservation areas and listed buildings
Owners and developers are largely responsible for conservation areas.
Recreational Mitigation Programme
To help relieve the pressure on these sensitive areas we are improving alternative, local facilities for dog walking and other activities.
CIL bids and expenditure
Information on how to bid for an allocation of CIL