Benefits and support
If you need financial help, you can apply for Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support, Universal Credit and Discretionary Housing Payments depending on your circumstances.
Housing Benefit claims
You can apply for Housing Benefit to help pay your rent in certain circumstances.
Council Tax support
The Council Tax Reduction Scheme can help if you are on a low income.
Consultation on proposed changes
We are keen to hear your views on proposed changes to the scheme from April 2025
Universal Credit
You can claim Universal Credit if you are out of work or on a low income.
Change in circumstances for benefits
You must inform us of any changes that could affect your benefit claim.
Upload proofs for benefit claim
You can provide documents to support a claim
Extra help with paying your rent
If you need help paying your rent, Discretionary Housing Payments may provide short-term support.
Household Support Fund
Funding to support households experiencing financial hardship with their housing costs and energy bills.
Employment, skills and training support
Information on training and apprenticeships for employers and employees.
Welfare benefits and money advice
Find out what benefits you are eligible for and get advice and support.
Overpayment of benefits
We will recover any overpayment of benefits that you may have received.
Deductions for other adults living with you
Your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support may be reduced if you have other adults living with you
You can report instances of fraud for us to investigate.
Benefit disputes and appeals
Advice on how and when to appeal a decision of the council