Contact us
Get in touch with the council online, by phone or in person.
Council jobs
Find jobs with the council, how to apply and what it's like working for us.
Voting and elections
Detailed information about all past and present elections within the New Forest.
Councillors and democracy
The structure, work and responsibilities of New Forest District Council.
Corporate plan 2024 to 2028
Our 4 year corporate plan sets our vision, values, priorities, and commitments. It focuses on the challenges we face, and the ambitions we have, structured around the themes of People, Place and Prosperity.
Feedback, comments and complaints
Help us to improve the quality of our services.
Freedom of information and data protection
You can request access to certain information about the council and our services.
Council budgets and spending
We publish detailed information about council budgets and spending.
Estates and valuation
Our estates and valuation team is responsible for council owned property and land.
News and social media
Read our news releases and keep up to date on developments in New Forest.
Privacy notices
How we collect and process your personal information.
The coat of arms
The coat of arms represents the history of New Forest District Council.