Cost of living information

With the rising cost of living, we are working with local partners to help residents through this difficult time.
See below for help and support.
Help with food
Information about food banks, community fridges and other support
Find a Warm Space
Warm Spaces are free to use and will provide a warm welcome to all.
Help for homeless
Get support if you are rough sleeping or have nowhere to live.
Help with housing
Advice, support and guidance if you're having difficulty paying your rent or mortgage.
Household Support Fund
Funding to support households experiencing financial hardship with their housing costs and energy bills.
Help with energy, water, phone and broadband bills
Find out how to get help with your bills
Difficulty paying Council Tax
Contact us if you need help paying your Council Tax.
Help if you have a health condition or a disability
Guidance, advice and support for people who have a health condition or a disability
Help with money and debt
Information about debt advice and support
Support for our businesses with rising costs
With rising costs for businesses, business owners and their staff, we are working with local partners to help residents and business through this difficult time.
Help for older people
Information about Pension Credit and other support for older people
Help if you have children
Find out about help with childcare costs and other support
Help for carers
Find out if you are entitled to Carer's Allowance and/or an extra amount called the 'carer element' within Universal Credit.
Help for Households
The government is offering support for households, including help with household costs, energy bills, childcare costs, transport costs, help finding work, discounts, cost of living payments and discounts and offers.