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Planning conditions

How to seek approval

Where there is a condition on a planning permission there is a fee for any submissions seeking the discharge of these conditions.

Please note: Listed Building Consents and Conservation Area Consents do not form part of this process.

This procedure is in accordance with The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications and Deemed Applications) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2008 introduced in April 2008.

  • all such requests must be made in writing
  • any request regarding the initial discharge of a planning condition should be made on the National 1 APP form
  • there is a specific form for this type of application that can be obtained electronically using the Planning Portal, by downloading the appropriate 1APP form or by collecting from our main receptions at Appletree Court, Lyndhurst or Lymington Town Hall
  • an application by letter for the initial discharge may be acceptable as long as this letter contains all details requested on the 1APP form identifies the site, the permission reference and the condition(s) concerned
  • a fee is required for initial discharge of a planning condition (without a fee, the request cannot be determined)
  • the fee is £145 per request relating to development sites, or £43 per request for householder development (for extension or alteration of a dwelling or development within the curtilage of a dwelling).
  • each application may relate to any number of conditions. (for example, if you wish to submit details of materials required for one condition and the landscaping scheme required for a second at the same time, you can make one application and pay one fee)
  • negotiation on minor changes to the submitted details can, if considered appropriate by the case officer, be undertaken (where the exchange of information is ongoing it is not necessary for a new request, and fee, to be submitted)
  • if an application is refused or confirmation is not given, a re-submitted request will be required with the payment of a further fee (there is no "free go" in this context)
  • we will aim to respond within 10 working days and whenever possible the 21 day period suggested as best practice will be met.  (If further evidence or consultations are required a longer period for determination will be appropriate, in such cases, we will aim to respond as soon as possible but this period would rarely exceed 8 weeks)

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