Land north of Salisbury Road Calmore, Netley Marsh, SO40 2RQ
Reference: 20/10997
Status: Decided
Decision: Granted Subject to Conditions
An outline permission with all matters reserved except:
- means of access to the highway network (junction arrangements)
- associated highway improvements
- or the demolition of existing buildings
- the residential (C3) development of the site with up to 280 dwellings
- Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace, informal and formal open space, together with associated drainage, utilities and all other associated and necessary infrastructure
Reference: 23/10268
Status: Decided and permission granted.
Reserved Matters Application for the approval of:
- appearance,
- landscaping,
- layout, and scale for
- 271 dwellings, associated and ancillary infrastructure,
- foul pumping station,
- play spaces, and
- sustainable drainage systems
pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 20/10997