Land north of Salisbury Road Calmore, Netley Marsh, SO40 2RQ
Reference: 20/10997
Status: Decided
Decision: Granted Subject to Conditions
An outline permission with all matters reserved except:
- means of access to the highway network (junction arrangements)
- associated highway improvements
- or the demolition of existing buildings
- the residential (C3) development of the site with up to 280 dwellings
- Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace, informal and formal open space, together with associated drainage, utilities and all other associated and necessary infrastructure
Reference: 23/10268
Status: Delegated approval to grant approval of the Reserved matters of the layout, scale and appearance of the development and the landscaping of the site (including the detailed access arrangements within the site), specified in condition 3 of outline permission reference number 20/10997, dated 16th January 2023, subject to the completion of a Deed of Variation to the existing Section 106 Agreement
Reserved Matters Application for the approval of:
- appearance,
- landscaping,
- layout, and scale for
- 271 dwellings, associated and ancillary infrastructure,
- foul pumping station,
- play spaces, and
- sustainable drainage systems
pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 20/10997
The reserved matters application was considered by the Council's planning committee on 11 September 2024 with a decision to grant Delegated Authority be given to the Service Manager Development Management to grant approval of the Reserved matters of the layout, scale and appearance of the development and the landscaping of the site (including the detailed access arrangements within the site), specified in condition 3 of outline permission reference number 20/10997, dated 16th January 2023, subject to the completion of a Deed of Variation to the existing Section 106 Agreement to secure public access across the agricultural crossing points (and adjustments to the agreed off-site highway works as referenced in the report) and the imposition of the conditions set out in the officer report presented to committee.
The deed of variation is still to be completed.