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Old yet ever new - New Forest District Council turns 50

8 April 2024

We are marking the milestone of reaching 50 years as a district authority.

In April 1974, three rural New Forest councils were brought together as part of the country-wide reorganisation of local government (1972 Local Government Act).

We will use the anniversary to reflect on the services we are involved in, and to look forward to continuing to provide key services for the district.

Cllr Jill Cleary, Leader, said,

"It is perhaps timely that our 50 year anniversary coincides with our new Corporate Plan.  A plan that puts people, place, and prosperity at its heart.  For as much change as we have seen since 1974, so much holds true in our role of supporting our communities; the extraordinary people, the special place, and our drive to see the area prosper.

"It's not just a birthday; it's a chance for us to look forward to the next 50 years, embrace new ways of working, and make sure we continue to provide the services our residents value."

"The motto on our crest is 'old yet ever new', and this is a philosophy we interpret as respecting our heritage yet continuing to evolve.  Our transformation programme seeks to enable us to focus on customer-centric service delivery, efficient working practices, workforce development, and financial sustainability."

For the 50 year milestone, we have brought together 50 facts, using each of the numbers one to fifty, to illustrate the breadth of activity they are involved in. Cllr Cleary said,

"Understandably, people not in the world of local government don't always realise the vast range and variety of things a council gets involved in.  The 1 to 50 facts were developed to give just a snapshot of some of those important aspects of local life we are involved in, and which could be of real benefit to our residents. From building homes to licensing zoos, providing public toilets to looking after stray dogs, and from running elections to measuring air quality - I don't know of any other organisation with quite the range of topics a local authority has!"

At the Council meeting (8 April) Cllr Neville Penman, Chairman, said,

"It is an honour to sit as your Chairman as the council celebrates 50 years since it was formed in 1974.  Whilst there may have been many changes since then, one thing has remained the same; the council has been central in supporting the communities of this unique and special place.

"All the Chairmen throughout the past 50 years have also been very important to our voluntary and charitable organisations across the district.  We have attended events to raise the profile of these vital services, raised funds to support their ongoing work in our communities and celebrated their achievements with them and the people they support.

"It is only right that we pause to look back and celebrate what has been achieved, but perhaps more importantly look forward to what the council plans to deliver, as we continue to provide for our communities."

The 50 list can be seen at 50 years of New Forest District Council - New Forest District Council and at our stand at this year's New Forest Show from 30 July to 1 August.

As part of the anniversary, Cllr Penman will host his annual civic service on Sunday, 28 April at St Wins, Totton.

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