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Read our latest news releases

Marking the opening of Hardley Depot

25 March 2025. We marked the opening of our new Hardley Depot, as part of plans to expand our fleet and invest in operational services.

Leader confirms rural unitary authority as preferred Local Government Reorganisation option

21 March 2025. At our special meeting of Cabinet today (9am, Friday 21 March 2025), councillors reiterated their position on Local Government Reorganisation (LGR), backing a rural-focused unitary authority as the best option for the New Forest area.

New Forest District Council to consider Local Government Reorganisation report at special meeting

19 March 2025. At our special meeting of Council (6.30pm, Thursday 20 March 2025) councillors will debate the interim plan to government for Local Government Reorganisation.

Over £22 million committed to improve council homes and support tenants

18 March 2025. We have announced a major investment of £22.11m in housing maintenance and improvements for 2025/26.

Residents receive information about new waste collection service

17 March 2025. Residents will soon receive a leaflet in the post containing important information about our new waste collection service.

Testwood School supported with £120,000 funding for new 3G football pitch

10 March 2025. We have provided £120k towards a newly opened 3G sports pitch at Testwood School in Totton.

Local Government Reorganisation report to be published

10 March 2025. Along with other councils of Hampshire and the Solent, we have jointly developed an interim plan in response to the government's invitation to explore Local Government Reorganisation (LGR).

Praise in local government review

7 March 2025. We have been commended for our strong leadership, financial stability, and commitment to partnership working in a recent Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge.

Council Tax rates set for 2025/26

25 February 2025. We have set our portion of the 2025/26 Council Tax at £205.77 per year, per household (for a Band D property) at our Full Council meeting on Monday 24 February 2025.

Balanced budget to sustain essential services approved

25 February 2025. We have approved our budget for 2025/26, ensuring continued investment in essential services.

First phase residents to start receiving wheelie bins this spring

18 February 2025. From Monday 17 February, we are writing to residents in Brockenhurst, New Milton, Lymington, and surrounding areas about their new waste collections which will start in June 2025.

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