50 years of New Forest District Council
We are marking the milestone of reaching 50 years as a district authority in 2024.
In 1974, three rural New Forest councils were brought together as part of the country-wide reorganisation of local government (1972 Local Government Act).

For the 50 year milestone, we have brought together 50 facts, using each of the numbers one to fifty, to illustrate the breadth of activity we are involved in.
Listen to Cllr Jill Cleary, Leader, introduce the 50 facts
This is a snapshot of a few of the services we provide, some of which your Council Tax contributes to.
For many of these topics you will find a link for more information below.
1. 1 metre is the average rate of coastal erosion each year (This is from measurements at Barton on Sea.) Read about our coastal management
2. 2 Public Space Protection Orders are in place in the district to protect the place. BBQs and fires are not permitted in the Forest and the feeding and petting of ponies, horses, mules or donkeys is not permitted. To help care for the Forest, follow The New Forest code | Forestry England
3. There are 3 zoos in the district that we licence. Find out if your business needs a licence
4. Every 4 years there is a district election. Learn more about the new requirement to bring a photo ID to vote
5. We have over 5 thousand council homes. Housing and homelessness - New Forest District Council
6. We have 6 Changing Places public toilets. Changing Places Toilets enable people with limited mobility to get out and about and enjoy the day-to-day activities which many of us take for granted. To use a toilet in safety and comfort, these people need to be able to access a CPT, which has more space and the right equipment, including a height adjustable changing bench, a peninsular toilet and a ceiling hoist Information about all our public toilets
7. We clean the streets 7 days a week. Street cleaning - New Forest District Council
8. Rough sleeping has reduced to an 8 year low. Housing and homelessness - New Forest District Council
9. We keep 9% of the Council Tax you pay. You pay all your council tax to NFDC, we keep 9% and the rest is divided between other organisations Council Tax - New Forest District Council
10. We work with 10+ other organisations if there is an incident or emergency in the area to keep our residents and the place safe. Police, HCC, Fire, utility companies, local volunteers, the NHS, town and parish councils, neighbouring councils, and partners.
11. We held the New Forest proclamation of His Majesty King Charles III on 11 September 2022, and supported local events, and communities with street parties. Request a road closure for a street party
12. We are working on 12 Levelling Up projects. This is an example of one of them New Forest residents and businesses to benefit from improved digital planning services - New Forest District Council
13. Every fortnight the housing maintenance team gets 13 council properties ready to re let
14. Every quarter, on average, we develop another 14 council homes. (Additional council dwellings provided each quarter on average every year for the past 6 years.)
15. We work with 15 partners to promote arts and culture in the district. Arts and culture - New Forest District Council
16. Each year, we make 16 Tree Preservation Orders. Trees and hedges - New Forest District Council
17. Since 2016, Film:NewForest has generated £17 per head of the New Forest population. £3m has been brought into the district by NFDC's Film:New Forest work Film New Forest | A million possibilities, one unique place
18. We look after over 18 hectares of open woodland. Woodlands - New Forest District Council
19. We send 19,000 tonnes of your mixed recycling, glass and garden waste for recycling every year . Information about the Waste Strategy 2022 to 2027 - New Forest District Council
20. We do 20 building regulation inspections a day. Building control - New Forest District Council
21. 21 over 70s take part in our Walking Football scheme.
22. We have 22 job vacancies each month. Council jobs - New Forest District Council
23. Each week, 23 planning applications are decided. Planning - New Forest District Council
24. Our community alarm service is available 24 hours a day, all year. Appletree Careline - New Forest District Council
25. We plant 25 trees on our land each month during planting season (November to March). Trees on council land - New Forest District Council
26. 26 dogs are rehomed each year after being looked after by our dog warden. Stray, lost and found dogs - New Forest District Council
27. We send 27 residents emails a year, with information about services that could help you and your families. Receive update emails - New Forest District Council
28. Performers are required to give us 28 days' notice to perform hypnotism in the district. Licences - New Forest District Council
29. 29 local groups receive community grants from us a year.
30. Every 10 minutes, 30 people get information about services to help them from this website.
31. Every one of our eight cemeteries helps around 31 families a year, at their time of loss, with burials or interments. We do this with sensitivity and clarity. Cemeteries - New Forest District Council
32. Our road sweepers collect 32 tonnes of waste each week from the roads. Street cleaning - New Forest District Council
33. There are 33 types of infectious disease we investigate. Public health and safety for our residents and visitors - New Forest District Council
34. There are 34 women taking part in the Fawley RFC Firecats touch rugby sessions that we help to fund. We have supported the Fawley Rugby Club with their move to Newlands Field, given them funding towards their floodlights and towards their club house (£25k towards £300k club house project, opened last year). We have worked with them to develop Walking Rugby and Women and Girls opportunities, including the Fawley Firecats (women's touch rugby).
35. It costs £35 (and 60 pence) to anchor at the quayside at our Keyhaven moorings for the night. Keyhaven River - New Forest District Council
36. Our current Local Plan is from 2016 to 2036. As well as setting a vision for the future of the area, a Local Plan sets a strategy for how, when and where needs of the community will be met, including the imperative issue of addressing housing needs, and provides policies to address specific matters. Once adopted the Local Plan provides the basis upon which future development proposals are assessed against. Local Development Scheme March 2024 - New Forest District Council
37. We work with 37 town and parish councils. Parish councils contact details Council Services (newforest.gov.uk)
38. Every 38 days we inspect 80 food premises to check hygiene standards. Food hygiene inspections - New Forest District Council
39. We have had 39 Council chairmen since 1974. Chairman of the council - New Forest District Council
40. We use 40 vehicles to collect refuse, mixed recycling, garden waste, and glass from 83,000 households.
41. We have 41 electric vehicle charging points in our public car parks.
42. Every 6 months, we monitor vehicle speeds at 42 locations in the district to reduce fatalities and accidents.
43. Every 100 trees on our land stores 43 tonnes of carbon. We have 75,771 trees, which store a total of 32,291 tonnes of carbon. Storing carbon reducing CO2 and reducing water run off has a positive effect on our environment and a positive effect on the economy by reducing the risk of flooding through a reduction in the volume of water reaching drains and sewers by capturing it through transpiration.
44. We have 44 car parks across the district. Council car parks - New Forest District Council
45. We plan to spend £45 million on new council housing and council led developments over the next 3 years. Housing Strategy - New Forest District Council
46. We have 46 diffusion tube monitoring sites which we use to measure air quality. Air pollution - New Forest District Council
47. We install around 47 level access showers for council tenants with disabled facilities grants each year.
48. There are 48 councillors on New Forest District Council. Councillors and democracy - New Forest District Council Become a councillor - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
49. Every day our water refill stations divert 49 plastic bottles from being thrown away. Water refill stations - New Forest District Council
50.And... New Forest District Council has served the community for 50 years.
Note: Some figures are approximate averages and may be subject to change
Did you know...
New Forest Rural District Council bought the house which is now our headquarters, Appletree Court, in 1953. During the building of the council chamber in 1956, the original foundation stone was uncovered displaying the words:
When we build
Let us think that
We build for ever