Parking Standards
Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document
View the Parking Standard SPD (PDF, 2 MB)
This SPD was adopted on 6 April 2022.
An Adoption Statement (PDF, 114 KB) has been prepared which accompanies the SPD.
This SPD provides supporting guidance on the implementation of Policies in the Local Plan 2016-2036 Part 1: Planning Strategy (adopted in July 2020), in particular CCC2: 'Safe and sustainable travel', Policy IMPL2: 'Development standards' and ENV3: 'Design quality and local distinctiveness' relating to car and cycle parking.
The aims of the parking standards contained in this SPD are to ensure that an appropriate level of vehicle and cycle parking is provided in all new developments, whilst taking in to account the need for charging of electric vehicles and other factors. They also support the delivery of sustainable development through a balance of meeting the parking needs of the District, ensuring land is used for this purpose effectively.
Consultation period
As part of the document's preparation we held a consultation which closed on 14 January 2022. A schedule of all the responses received has been prepared, with a further schedule available summarising the comments and how they were taken in to account by us in the final document that is being prepared for adoption.
Schedule of responses received (PDF, 222 KB)
Summary of comments received and our response (PDF, 509 KB)
The adopted document, adoption and consultation statements are available to read below, otherwise there are links to the various document sections towards the bottom of this page to read online:
Parking Standard SPD Cabinet Version
Adoption Statement (PDF, 114 KB)
Parking Standards SPD 2021 Consultation Statement (PDF, 138 KB)