2023 updates
December 2023
- We are liaising with the developer and their contractor to progress the works required to the POS (public open space) to achieve practical completion and enable to transfer of the land.
- The Phase 4 houses are completed. Plots 1-5 and 7-20 are occupied. There is 1 dwelling left to occupy.
November 2023
- A snag list with the proposed cost to remedy the defects (if carried out by NFDC) has been sent to the Developer. This gives them the option of transferring the land more quickly, and NFDC carrying out the remedial works due on site. Whoever carries out the work, it is expected to be implemented this current planting season.
- Phase 4: The Phase 4 houses are completed.
October 2023
- planting is due to be carried out this coming planting season (October through to March) with October and November being the preferable months for this work to be carried out.
- Detailed markups of failures and missing trees/bushes/hedgerow/wildflower areas on the agreed planting plans will be sent to the developer with a request that the planting is undertaken as soon as conditions allow.
- The landscaping and levelling of the POS (Public Open Space) areas has been carried out.
- Phase 4: The Phase 4 houses are completed.
August 2023
- The bio-retention pond in Phase 4 has been dug. The soil separator material and pond liner have been installed.
- The roadways are still due to have their top surfacing laid. The drainage manhole covers have been raised in preparation for this.
June 2023
- The bio-retention pond in Phase 4 is being dug at the moment.
- The pathway in the Eastern SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Green space) has been constructed and the area has been tidied up.
- The kerb is being constructed along the spine road between Phase 2 and Phase 3.
- The roadways and pavements are still being constructed in Phase 4.
May 2023
Highways works being carried out at the entrance of the site during a recent visit. Traffic controls in place.
- Phase 1: Plots 74-80 are completed and occupied.
- Phase 2: Plots 53-73 are completed and occupied.
- Phase 3: Five out of the six flats (in Plots 28-33) are occupied. Plots 23-27 and 34-44 are occupied. Plots 45- 52
- have been handed over to the housing association. Plot 49 is occupied.
- Phase 4: The Phase 4 houses are at internal and external stages. Plots 9-13 have been handed over.
- I checked Plots 9-15 and Plots 50-52 against the elevation plans.
- The roadways and pavements are being constructed in phase 4.
April 2023
- The Oak tree remedial works to improve its health have been carried out and it has been mulched.
- The planting in the SANG (trees and shrubs) is due to commence this week.
- Phase 1: Plots 74-80 are completed and occupied.
- Phase 2: Plots 53-73 are completed. All of them are now occupied.
- Phase 3: Five out of the six flats (in Plots 28-33) are occupied. Plots 23-27, 34 and 35 are also occupied. Plots 36- 43 have been handed over to the housing association.
- The contractor has laid the highway table (raised junction) at the top end of the site, and has completed the construction of the road in that area, ready in time for the new residents' occupation.
- Plots 44- 52 are at the internal and external stages being prepped ready for handover. The garden fencing is being installed.
- Phase 4: Plots 3- 13 and 16-20 are at the internal and external stages. Plots 1, 2, 14 and 15 continue to have their brick facings and exterior brickwork constructed.
March 2023
Parcel 1
- The tree planting should be completed by the end of March.
- The tree protection fencing has been replaced around the Oak tree in the Eastern SANG.
- Phase 1: Plots 74-80 are completed and occupied.
- Phase 2: Plots 53-73 are completed. All of them are now occupied.
- Phase 3: Plots 21-52 are at the internal and external stages.
- Phase 4: Plots 1-8 and 14-20 are at roofline. They are having their brick facings constructed. Plots 9-13 are at the internal and external stages.
- The hard landscaping, including the kerbs and pathways are being constructed, along with some external detailing. The garages and retaining walls are still being constructed.
- The planting to Plots 21-27 and 28-35 has commenced.
- The hard landscaping, including the kerbs and pathways are being constructed, along with some external detailing. The garages and retaining walls are still being constructed.
- The retaining walls for the gardens are still being constructed.
January 2023
Parcel 1
- The grass seeding, the wildflower meadow seeding and the planting have been contracted out and
programmed in. - The Western SANG tree area has been cleared/tidied up. The Play equipment has been delivered to site and
its installation has commenced. One of the Play areas in the Eastern SANG has also commenced construction. - The kerbs for the spur roads at the Northern end of the site continue construction.
- Phase 1: Plots 74-80 are completed and occupied. Phase 2: Plots 53-73 are completed. All of them are now occupied. Phase 3: Plots 21-49 are at the internal and external stages. Plots 50-52 are at the internal and external
stages and are having their brick facings constructed. - The hard landscaping, including the kerbs and pathways are being constructed, along with some external detailing. The garages and retaining walls are still being constructed.
- Phase 4: Plots 1, 2 and 9-20 are at roofline. They are having their brick facings constructed. Plots 3-8 are at roofline.
- The retaining walls for the gardens are being constructed.
Parcel 2
This parcel was granted outline permission on 16 January 2023.