2022 Updates

December 2022

Parcel 1

  • The pathways in the remaining SANG areas have been partially constructed. The hoggin is down and the top layer is due to be laid.
  • The headwalls in the Western and Eastern pond have been installed and connected to the drainage system.
  • The kerbs for the spur roads at the Northern end of the site are being constructed.
  • The street lighting has commenced installation in Phase 2.
  • Phase 1: Plots 74-80 are completed and occupied.
  • Phase 2: Plots 53-73 are built. All of them are occupied apart from Plots 53 and 58.
  • Phase 3: Plots 21-50 are at the internal and external stages. The hard landscaping, including the kerbs and pathways are being constructed. The garages and retaining walls are also being constructed. Plots 44 and 46-51 are having their brick facings constructed. Plots 51 and 52 are at roofline.
  • Phase 4: Plots 9-15 have their wooden frames constructed. They are all at roofline. The brick facings are being constructed. Plots 1-4 and 16-20 are at roofline. Plots 5-8 have their slabs in.


November 2022

Parcel 1

  • Phase 1: Plots 74-80 are completed and occupied.
  • Phase 2: Plots 53-73 are built. Some are occupied and some are being prepped for occupation. 60-73 have already been handed over to the Housing Association. All these Plots, 60-73 are now occupied. Plots 53-59 were handed over to Aster Homes on 27th October. These Plots will start being occupied in the short term.
  • Phase 3: Plots 21-35 are at the internal and external stages. Plots 36-52 are having their facings constructed.  The garages and retaining walls are being constructed.
  • Phase 4: Plots 9-15 have their wooden frames constructed. They are all at roofline. Plots 16-20 have their bases in ready for the frames. Plots 1-8 slabs are still being completed.
  • The seeding for the wildflower meadow areas and the grass seeding has been booked in for the short term.
  • The Western SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Green space) will have some fence repairs carried out once the onsite inspection with Aster Homes has taken place. The hoggin top layer material is now in stock and this
    will be laid on the pathways through the SANG.
  • The planting has been booked in to be carried out after the fence has been repaired and the hoggin top layer has been finished.
  • The three sets of equipment for the play areas have been ordered and likely to be installed in early January.
  • The headwalls in the Western pond have been installed. 


September 2022

Parcel 1

  • All phases of the build are now being constructed and all Plots have commenced construction.
  • Phase 1: Plots 74-80 are complete. 
  • Phase 2: Plots 53-73 are at the internal and external stages. The garden fences and walls are now in situ. The top layer of the Eastern spur road has been laid. The footpath is being constructed along the spine road adjoining these plots. 
  • Phase 3: Plots 24 and 27 continue to have their facings constructed. Plots 28-46 have their wooden frames in and are at roofline. Their facings will be constructed after this is complete. Plots 21, 22 and 25 are at roofline. Plots 51 and 52 have their slabs and DPCs (Damp Proof Courses) in. Plots 47-50 are being prepped ready for their scaffolding.
  • The spur road leading to Plots 51 and 52 is still being constructed.
  • Phase 4: Plots 9-15 have their scaffolding erected ready for the house frames to be constructed. Plots 1, 2, 7, 8 and 16-20 are being prepped ready for their scaffolding. Plots 3-6 have their slabs in.


August 2022

Parcel 1

  • Phase 1:Plots 74-80 are complete. Plots 74, 76,79and 80are occupied and the remaining plots are being prepped ready for occupation in the short term.
  • Phase 2:Plots 53-73 are at the internal and external stages. The hard landscaping, parking areasandslabs for the garages are being constructed. Plots 54-57 are having their facings painted.
  • Phase 3:Plots 22, 23, 24, and 27-33are having their facings constructed. The facings have been completed for Plots 20, 21, 25 and 26. Plots 34-44are at roofline. Their facings will be constructed after this is complete. Plots 45-52 have their slabs and DPCs in. Plots 45-48 are being prepped ready for their scaffolding.
  • The spur road leading to Plots 51 and 52 is still being constructed.
  • Phase 4:Plots 1 and 2, and 19 and 20have their footings in. The water and drainage points and drainage inspection chambers are in. Plots 7 and 8, and 16-18 are having their DPCs (damp proof courses) constructed.
  • The spur road adjoining Plots 1 and 2 has commenced construction.


July 2022

Parcel 1

  • Phase 1: Plots 74-80 are having their final preparations carried out ready for snagging and handover. The hard landscaping is in and the soft landscaping is continuing
  • Phase 2: Plots 53-73 are at the internal and external stages. All their facings are now complete. Services are going in. The boundary wall to the rear gardens has been constructed and the rear gardens have had topsoil brought in ready for the soft landscaping to take place. Plots 62-67 have their porch roofs constructed as per the agreed details.
  • The pavement adjoining Plots 60 and 61 is being tarmacked.
  • Phase 3: Plots 21-27 are at roofline and are having their facings constructed. Plots 28-35 are at roofline. The internal framework construction is still continuing. Plots 36-44 are having their scaffolding erected ready for the interior modular frames to be installed. Plots 45-52 have their slabs in.
  • The spur road alongside Plots 50-52 is being tarmacked.
  • Phase 4: Plots 9-13 have their slabs completed. Plots 14 and 15 are having their slabs constructed. Plots 7, 8 and 16-20 have their foundations in. Their slabs have commenced construction and the drainage is being installed. Plots 1 and 2 have their foundations in and have commenced construction of their slabs.
  • The Western SANG has been separated from the construction area completely now, ready to be opened to the public before first occupation. The areas requiring a tarmac top layer have been laid. The site has planned for access to the SANG to come from the existing footpath running alongside the site (parallel to the A326).


June 2022

Parcel 1

  • Plots 74-80 are at the internal and external stages. They have their hard landscaping in. The soft landscaping is currently being carried out.
  • Plots 53-57 and 70-71 are having their external facing walls constructed. Plots 58-69 are at the internal and external stages.
  • Plots 23 and 24 are at roofline. Plots 21, 22, and 25-27 have their roofs on and are due to have their external facings constructed. Plots 28-33 continue construction of their modular interior walls.
  • Plots 34 and 35 have the scaffolding installed ready for delivery of the modular interior frames. Plots 36-39 are having their scaffolding installed currently. Plots 40-49 have their DPCs (damp proof courses) in. Plot 50 has its slab in. Plots 51-52 are having their slabs constructed.
  • Plots 9-15 have their slabs in. Plots 16-18 have their foundations completed.
  • The spur road adjoining Plots 50-52 continues construction.


May 2022

Parcel 1

  • The construction of the remaining pathways through the Western SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Green space) continues. Both SANG areas have been fenced off to protect them during the whole of the build, as required.
  • Phase 1: Plots 74-80 are at the internal and external stages. The rear fencing to the gardens is due to go in shortly when the materials become available. 
  • Phase 2: Plots 53-59 and 64- 73 are at roofline. Plots 60-63 are at the internal and external stages.
  • Phase 3: Plots 21 -27 are at roofline. Plots 28-44 and Plot 49 have their slabs in with Plots 28-33 (the flats) being prepped for the installation of the structural wooden sections. Plots 45-48 have their DPC (damp proof course) in. Plots 50-52 have now commenced construction of their slabs.
    The kerbs for the spur road alongside Plots 50, 51, 52 are continuing construction.
  • Phase 4: Plots 9-15 have their foundations in and the drainage access points have been installed.

April 2022

Parcel 1

  • Phase 4 construction has commenced.
  • The mains drainage line continues construction along the Southern end of the site.
  • The Eastern boundary fence is in situ. Planting is due in at a later date.
  • The 1st phase is due to be handed over in May with expected occupation about 8 weeks later.
  • Phase 2: Plots 53-59 and 70-73 have their roofs on, with facings still due to be constructed. Plots 60 and 61 are at the internal and external stages. The roof line steps slightly due to the slope there. Plots 62-63 are also at the internal and external stages. Plots 64-69 have their roofs on and are currently having their facings constructed.
  • Phase 3: Plots 21, 22 and 25-27 have their wooden internal structures built and are now at roofline. Plots 23, 24, and 28-44 have their slabs in. Plots 45-49 are having their slabs constructed. The excavation of the foundations for Plots 51 and 52 has commenced.

March 2022

Parcel 1

  • The mains drainage line continues construction along the Southern end of the site.
  • The Eastern boundary fence is in situ. Planting is due in at a later date.
  • Phase 1: Plots 74-80 have their main structure in situ. Plots 74, 75 and 80 have brick facings to be constructed. 
  • Phase 2: Plots 54-61 are at roofline. The structure of the buildings is in situ and the facings are due to be constructed. Plot 53 has its slab in ready for the ground floor walls to be constructed. Plots 62 and 63 have their roofs in situ. Plots 64- 73 are at roofline. They are due to have their facings constructed. 
  • Phase 3: Plots 21-27 have their slabs in, ready for construction of the ground floor walls. Plots 28-39 have their foundations in, ready for floor slabs to be constructed. Plots 40-50 are having their foundations constructed.
  • The spur road to access Plots 51 and 52 is being created.


February 2022

Parcel 1

  • The SSE work is now complete
  • Plots 74-80 are at roofline, with external facing walls being constructed alongside this. Plot 58 has its slab laid. Plots 60-69 are at roofline. Plots 70-73 have their inner wall structure nearly completed. Plot 53 has its slab in.  Plots 54-58 have their damp courses laid.
  • The mains drainage line has commenced construction along the Southern end of the site.
  • The  main water service line is going in alongside Plots 4-8.
  • The spur roads to the Northern end of the site are going in, both on the Western and Eastern sides of the spine road.


January 2022

Parcel 1

  • The electric service lines are still being laid. The work is being carried out by SSE and any queries regarding the works should be directed to them.
  • In Phase 1 Plots 75-80 are at roofline and have their windows and doors in. Plot 74 is at first floor level.
  • In Phase 2 Plots 60 and 61 are at ground floor level. Plots 62-65 have commenced above DPC (damp proof course) level. Plots 66-71 have their floor pads/slabs in. Plots 55-59 and Plots 63- 73 have their slabs in/laid. Plot 54 is having its slab laid. Plot 53 has its foundations in.
  • In Phase 3 Plots 21 and 22 have their foundations in as do Plots 24-27. The water and drainage access points to the houses are being installed in these plots.

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