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Policy DM14: Primary Shopping Frontages

Within the primary shopping frontages, as defined on the Policies Maps, the following will be permitted:

a) retail development, including improvements and extensions of existing commercial premises;

b) appropriate non-retail uses (uses other than Class A1), provided the length of ground floor street frontage in non-retail use within the primary shopping area is no greater than 30% of the overall length of ground floor street frontage3 . Non-retail uses will not be considered appropriate in premises in prominent locations within a primary shopping area; and

c) on upper floors, and at basement level, uses which are compatible with retail use (and its associated storage and servicing) of the ground floor unit. This could include residential uses where this can be achieved without the loss of gross floorspace in retail or appropriate non-retail uses within existing premises, the loss of ancillary storage space, or the ability to service the premises off street.

Exceptions to part (b) of this policy may be made where a proposal is for a non-retail use which is appropriately located in a shopping street and where:

(i) the proposed use will add to the vitality and attractiveness of the primary shopping area to shoppers; and

(ii) it can be demonstrated that the proposed development will generate customer activity levels (footfall) similar to a typical retail unit.

Residential development will not be permitted at ground floor level

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