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Swift action taken following fly-tipping on Park Lane

1 March 2024

Following a large fly tip of mixed waste on Park Lane, Holbury, earlier this week (Tuesday 27 February 2024) we have, today, issued Fixed Penalty Notices totalling £2,000.

A team of staff from the council's street scene team were diverted from other duties and swiftly loaded the illegally deposited waste onto several vehicles so that the road could be re-opened.

Following investigation by our enviro crime team, Fixed Penalty Notices of £400 were issued to the 5 owners of the waste, who were identified from evidence found in the fly tip.

Councillor Geoff Blunden, portfolio holder for environment and sustainability, said;

"This inexcusable and illegal activity meant the road was impassable for a time, causing inconvenience and a hazard. This kind of pollution is an eyesore for residents, has a detrimental impact on the area and wildlife, and ultimately, comes at a cost to council tax payers to clear.

"This prompt action by our teams in issuing these fines demonstrates our dedication to combatting illegal fly-tipping in our district. We hope that these penalties serve as a reminder to always check the credentials of people charging you to remove your waste."

"Our teams are continuing to investigate the fly tip, and will pursue action against the people who dumped the waste."

Residents can report fly tipping, and find out how to check waste carrier licences on our website. 

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