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Update on plans to introduce improved recycling for the district

Updated 6 December 2023

An update to our plans for a new waste and recycling service has been discussed at our Sustainability Overview and Scrutiny Panel meeting (Wednesday 22 November), and our Cabinet meeting (Wednesday 6 December).

In October, the government updated their plans for a simpler approach to waste nationally, which involves all local authorities collecting the same materials:

We have since been reviewing how the government's update affects plans to improve waste and recycling in the New Forest district. This includes changes to household waste and recycling collections which were published in our Waste and Recycling Strategy 2022-2027, approved in summer 2022 and due to come in from May 2025. 

Cllr Geoffrey Blunden, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability said "We have been waiting to hear from the government on their national plans for waste since their 2021 consultation. Now we have more clarity on timelines and what funding may be available, we can progress with a more detailed plan for how and when we introduce a new waste and recycling service for the district.  

"After reviewing the government's update, we are proposing to introduce changes in 2 phases. We are still aiming to introduce most of our planned service change from 2025. This will include weekly food waste collections using caddies, and alternate week collections for waste and recycling using wheeled bins. Our intention is to rollout these changes from May 2025. 

"The government's update affects other local authorities, and Hampshire County Council, who are responsible for disposing of waste in the county. We will be working with them to understand how this impacts the timeline for new recycling sorting facilities in Hampshire, and how we can deliver the second phase of our service change. 

"We are keen to confirm and get moving with our plans as soon as possible, but as things develop it is important that we are flexible and adapt our plans when needed. We also need to consider the financial impacts and extent of government funding to support our service change. Our aim remains to reduce waste, increase recycling, and provide an improved service for our residents." 

We are reliant on new recycling sorting facilities to collect extra recyclable materials, such as more plastics, foil and cartons. When service change is initially rolled out from 2025, we are proposing to collect the current mix of dry recyclable materials, including paper and card, in the recycling wheeled bin. And we would continue to collect glass monthly, using your black collection box or communal bin.  

Our intention is to review how recyclable materials are collected, including glass and extra materials, once more is known about plans for waste disposal in Hampshire. 

The proposals were discussed at our Cabinet meeting on 6 December at 10am:

They will now go to our Council meeting on 11 December at 6.30pm:

You can watch the Council meeting live on our YouTube channel:

Find out more about planned changes to waste and recycling collections, included in our waste and recycling strategy. 

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