Strategic Site 9: Land east of Everton Road, Hordle
Our Local Plan 2016-2036 Part 1: Planning Strategy has allocated this land, known as Strategic Site 9: Land east of Everton Road, Hordle for residential-led mixed use development and open space consisting of:
- at least 100 homes, dependent on the form, size and mix of housing provided
- on-site provision of public open space
The area for the allocation can be seen below. The area of the development parcel is lined red.
Current development parcels
So far we are have received a single planning application for the whole site:
Reference: 21/11731
Status: Granted subject to conditions
The application comprises a full application consisting of:
- Residential development of site for 97 dwellings,
- open space, Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace (ANRG),
- vehicular access via Everton Road
The latest updates are below: