Local Plan 2016-2036 part 1: Planning strategy
The plan can be downloaded below. You can also view a web version of the plan.
Read the Local Plan 2016 - 2036 Part 1: Planning Strategy (July 2020) (PDF, 9 MB)
An interactive map covering the plan area is available.
View our interactive policies map
Adoption statement
The adoption statement can be viewed below.
Adoption Statement (PDF, 77 KB)
As the statutory period for making a legal challenge has now passed, the plan's adoption is not subject to a legal challenge.
Full details of the local plan examination are still available:
View the local plan examination information.
Sustainability appraisal
The Sustainability appraisal and appendices for the plan can be viewed below:
Sustainability Appraisal (PDF, 1 MB)
Sustainability Appraisal Appendicies (PDF, 1 MB)
SA Post adoption Statement July 2020 (PDF, 331 KB)
Previous work undertaken
Regulation 19 Publication for pre-submission public consultation (29 June - 12 August 2018)
In June 2018 we published the plan for for formal consultation. The document can be viewed below:
Local Plan 2016-2036 Part 1: Planning Strategy Regulation 19 (PDF, 10 MB)
The companion documents and supporting evidence base can be found in the Examination Library, prepared for the Planning Inspectors as part of the Local Plan examination process.
The representations received at this stage can be viewed at:
Regulation 18 Initial Proposals Consultation document
The following documents were consulted on in 2016 as part of the Regulation 18 stage:
Local Plan Review 2016-2036 Initial Proposals consultation summary (PDF, 652 KB)