Equality data
Information on the gender pay gap and other equalities statistics and research.
Please click the document below for information on New Forest District Council Workforce Profile and Diversity Information.
NFDC Workforce Report July 2020 (PDF) [175KB]
Gender pay gap data
For the year ending 31 March 2021:
- our mean gender pay gap is 7.8% which equates to £1.08
- our median gender pay gap is 0% which equates to 0 pence
We are confident that we pay men and women equally for doing the same job.
We recognise that there is no room for complacency and we will continue to strive to address any imbalance.
Our other data is as follows:
Gender pay quartiles
Band A | Band B | Band C | Band D (highest paid) |
Female 45.3% | Female 59.1% | Female 61.3% | Female 37.9% |
Male 54.7% | Male 40.9% | Male 38.7% | Male 62.1% |
Bonus pay
Mean gender bonus gap | Median gender bonus gap | Proportion of male employees receiving a bonus | Proportion of female employees receiving a bonus |
0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |