Equality data
Information on the gender pay gap and other equalities statistics and research.
Please click the document below for information on New Forest District Council Workforce Profile and Diversity Information.
NFDC Workforce Report July 2020 (PDF, 175 KB)
Gender pay gap data
For the year ending 31 March 2024.
In this organisation, women earn 98p for every £1 that men earn when comparing median hourly pay.
Their median hourly pay is 1.7% lower than men's.
When comparing mean (average) hourly pay, women's mean hourly pay is 0.7% lower than men's.
The percentage of women in each pay quarter
Women occupy 37.2% of the highest paid jobs and 26.5% of the lowest paid jobs.
Upper hourly pay quarter (highest paid)
37.2% of the upper hourly pay quarter (highest paid) are women
62.8% of the upper hourly pay quarter (highest paid) are men
Upper middle hourly pay quarter
44% of the upper middle hourly pay quarter are women
56% of the upper middle hourly pay quarter are men
Lower middle hourly pay quarter
62% of the lower middle hourly pay quarter are women
38% of the lower middle hourly pay quarter are men
Lower hourly pay quarter (lowest paid)
26.5% of the lowest hourly pay quarter are women
73.5% of the lowest hourly pay quarter are men
Bonus pay
Women earn £1 for every £1 that men earn when comparing median bonus pay. Their median bonus pay is 0% lower than men's.
When comparing mean (average) bonus pay, women's mean bonus pay is 0.1% lower than men's.
Who received bonus pay
4.6% of women
2.3% of men