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Local Plan review

Our Cabinet of 7 February approved the start of a full review of the adopted Local Plan.

Once adopted the Local Plan provides the basis upon which future development proposals are assessed against.

You can read the Cabinet report for further details.

The current programme for the review of our local plan review can be seen in our Local Development Scheme

This full review of the adopted Local Plan will include a review of the Local Plan Part 1: Planning Strategy 2020 and policies saved from earlier local plans as well as the preparation of a design code for the plan area.

If you would like to be part of consultations that we will be undertaking as part of the Local Plan review please provide your details below.

What a local plan is

A Local Plan is a document prepared by the local planning authority which shapes how places will continue to change in the future.

As well as setting a vision for the future of the area, a Local Plan sets a strategy for how, when, and where needs of the community will be met. This includes addressing housing needs and provides policies to address specific matters.

In the New Forest, the National Park Authority is responsible for planning decisions within the National Park, and New Forest District Council is responsible for planning decisions in all areas of the district that fall outside the National Park boundary.  

Local Plans need to be reviewed by the local planning authority who prepared them, every 5 years. 

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