Hythe and Dibden Neighbourhood Plan
Read the Hythe and Dibden Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 1 MB)
The independent examination of the Hythe and Dibden Neighbourhood Development Plan has been completed. The Examiner's Report can be downloaded below.
Hythe and Dibden Examiner's Report June 2019 (PDF, 289 KB)
The examiner concluded that subject to the policy modifications to the submitted plan, as set out in the appendix to the report, the plan met the basic conditions. The examiner recommended that the plan, once modified, proceed to referendum on the basis that it met all the relevant legal requirements.
Following a referendum in October 2019, we formally decided to adopt the Hythe and Dibden Neighbourhood Plan on 9 December 2019.
Planning decisions are made in accordance with the adopted development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
This neighbourhood plan forms part of the development plan for the Hythe and Dibden parish. This includes the adopted New Forest Local Plan and the adopted New Forest National Park Local Plan (2019). The Hythe and Dibden Neighbourhood Plan and its policies will be given full weight when assessing planning applications that affect land covered by the respective plans.
The Neighbourhood Plan can be found at the top of this page, and supporting documents can be downloaded below.
Hythe and Dibden Council Decision Statement (PDF, 237 KB)
Hythe and Dibden Council NPA Decision Statement (PDF, 191 KB)
Hythe and Dibden Summary of Regulation 16 Responses and Process (PDF, 124 KB)
Hythe and Dibden Consultation Statement (PDF, 3 MB)
Hythe and Dibden Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 277 KB)
Hythe and Dibden Evidence Base (PDF, 141 KB)
Hythe and Dibden Notification of Making the Plan (PDF, 110 KB)