Find a place to live
If you are looking for a place to live in New Forest, we can offer advice and support.
Private housing
We have limited social housing available to rent, so part of our housing strategy is to assist and support people in private housing.
For basic guidance on what it means to rent privately, the how to rent booklet is an ideal starting point. You can download the booklet below.
How to Rent booklet (PDF, 538 KB)(opens new window)
Finding a private home
If you want to find a private home to rent, there are a number of private renting agencies located in New Forest. They can find you a property to rent. You will have to pay a fee, so you should find out about these fees before registering.
To find an agency, you can search the term 'letting agency' on any internet search engine. If you are claiming housing benefit, or think you may need to, you should confirm this with the agency first. Not all agencies will accept those who rely on housing benefit to help pay their rent.
Support with renting a private home
See our Private Housing pages for information for both tenants and landlords about private housing.
Our advice on housing benefit claims may be useful if you are worried you may not be able to pay all of the rent.
In some cases, we may be able to help you with your deposit. Contact our Homeless Team by phone on 023 8028 5222.
We can offer free advice if you are concerned about becoming homeless.
If you're already in private accommodation and have concerns, you can get initial advice from New Forest Citizens Advice (opens new window).
Social housing
We have our own housing stock, and we work with other social housing providers in the New Forest, to help provide homes to those on our housing register. There are eligibility requirements to join the register.
See our council housing pages for information and guidance about obtaining a home through the council.
Low cost home ownership
We work with private developers and registered providers in the New Forest to provide eligible applicants low cost home ownership.
The 2 forms main forms of low cost home ownership available are, Shared Ownership and First Homes.
Shared ownership
If you are interested in shared ownership and would like to find out more you can visit our shared ownership webpage, where you will find general information on shared ownership and details of our shared ownership homes.
Further information on shared ownership and listings of properties available locally please visit:
- Share to buy -
- Government Shared Ownership Website -
First Homes
First Homes are provided by private developers, if you are interested in First Homes you will need to contact the developer or their agent directly.