2025 updates
February 2025
Regular monitoring of this site by the Site Monitoring Officer continues:
- All the plots on the development have now commenced construction
- The landscaping contractor is carrying out planting across the POS (Public Open Space) for both new and remedial planting requirements
- The swale to the South of the development is beginning to settle in and take shape
- The contractor has commenced construction of the boardwalk through the POS
- The ecology features continue to be installed, these are being monitored by the Site Monitoring Officer in liaison with the Council's Ecology team
- The developer is regularly cleaning the road and ensuring the wheels of the lorries are kept free of mud, with no issues reported
- There have been no issues reported with regards to noise from the development
- Plots 1-3 are at slab level
- Plots 4 and 18 are at ground floor level
- Plots 15-17 are at roofline
- Plots 5-11, 13, 14, 19-25, 29, 32, 34-39, 50-53, 55 and 57-63 are at the internal and external stages
- Plots 48, 49 and 54 are the sales houses and office
- Plots 12, 26-28, 30, 31, 33, 40-47, 56 and 64 are now occupied