2024 updates
December 2024
Construction work at the Northern end of the site continues.
The landscaping contractor is carrying out both planting across the POS (Public Open Space) for both new and remedial planting requirements.
The developer is regularly cleaning the road and ensuring the wheels of the lorries are kept free of mud.
There have been no issues reported with regards to dust from the development.
There have been no issues reported with regards to noise from the development.
- Plots 1-4 and 18 have not commenced construction.
- Plot 17 is at ground floor level.
- Plots 15, 16 and 60,61 are at roofline.
- Plots 5-11, 13, 14, 19-25, 29, 32, 34-39, 50-53, 55-59, 62 and 63 are at the internal and external stages.
- Plots 48, 49 and 54 are the sales houses and office.
- Plots 12, 26-28, 30, 31, 33, 40-47 and 64 are now occupied.
November 2024
The site is starting to really take shape. Construction work has commenced at the Northern end of the site.
The spur roads to the West of the site have been constructed and the road signs have been installed.
The Northern link to the footpath in Puddleslosh Lane has been constructed and is open to the public.
The developer is working with officers to ensure the ecological features on the houses are being installed.
The Site Monitoring Officer along with the Open Spaces Officer and the Tree Officer have made an inspection of the POS (Public Open Space) and the ANRG (Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace). Any remedial works and replacement or missing planting have been marked up on the landscaping plans ready to forward to the developer for their attention.
The developer is regularly cleaning the road and ensuring the wheels of the lorries are kept free of mud.
There have been no issues reported with regards to dust from the development.
There have been no issues reported with regards to noise from the development.
- Plots 1-4 and 18 have not commenced construction.
- Plots 15-17 are at ground floor level.
- Plots 5-8 and 60,61 are at roofline.
- Plots 9-11, 13, 14, 19-25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34-39, 50-53, 55-59, 62 and 63 are at the internal and external stages.
- Plots 48, 49 and 54 are the sales houses and office.
- Plots 12, 26, 27, 30, 33, 40-47 and 64 are occupied.
The elevations for Plots 12-14 have been checked against the agreed plans.
September 2024
The Site Monitoring Officer and the Ecologists have attended site to carry out a site survey of all the ecological features that are required to be installed and updated the developer. The Ecologists will be monitoring the detail from here on, and the Site Monitoring Officer will be monitoring the approaching occupations to make sure the required features are in situ prior to that event as per the agreed details. On a subsequent site visit it was good to note that most of the required missing features checked had been installed.
The landscaping contractors are still on site carrying out the required planting and maintenance.
The developer is regularly cleaning the road and ensuring the wheels of the lorries are kept free of mud.
There have been no issues reported with regards to dust from the development.
There have been no issues reported with regards to noise from the development.
- Plots 1-4 and 15-18 have not commenced construction.
- Plots 60 and 61 are at ground floor level.
- Plots 5-8, 58 and 59 are at roofline.
- Plots 9-14, 19-25, 27-29, 31, 32, 34-39, 50-53, 55-57, 62 and 63 are at the internal and external stages.
- Plots 48, 49 and 54 are the sales houses and office.
- Plots 26, 30, 33, 40-47 and 64 are occupied.
August 2024
The second entrance to the site from the highway has been completed up to the site entrance. The verges will need seeding during the forthcoming seeding season.
The playground is open to the public.
The pathways in the ANRG have wooden edging being installed.
The landscaping contractors are attending site in the short term to carry out some landscaping maintenance and to tidy up the site.
- Plots 1-4 and 15-18 have not commenced construction.
- Plots 5-8, 60 and 61 are at ground floor level.
- Plots 9 and 10 are at first floor level.
- Plots 56-59 are at roofline.
- Plots 11-14, 19-29, 31, 32, 34-44, 50-55, 62 and 63 are at the internal and external stages.
- Plots 48 and 49 are the sales house and office.
- Plots 30, 33, 45, 46, 47 and 64 are occupied.
The developer is regularly cleaning the road and ensuring the wheels of the lorries are kept free of mud.
July 2024
The second entrance to the site from the highway has commenced construction.
The kerbs and roadways are being constructed alongside Plots 28-34, up through to Plot 36.
- Plots 1-4 and 15-18 have not commenced construction.
- Plots 5-8 are at foundation/slab level.
- Plots 9, 10, 60 and 61 are at ground floor level.
- Plot 14 and 56-59 are at roofline.
- Plots 11-13, 19-44, 50-55, 62 and 63 are at the internal and external stages.
- Plots 48 and 49 are the sales house and office.
- Plots 45, 46, 47 and 64 are occupied.
The developer is regularly cleaning the road and ensuring the wheels of the lorries are kept free of mud.
There have been no issues reported with regards dust from the development.
There have been no issues reported with regards to noise from the development.
June 2024
The developer is regularly cleaning the road and ensuring the wheels of the lorries are kept free of mud.
There have been no issues reported with regards dust from the development.
There have been no issues reported with regards to noise from the development.
The landscaping work is ongoing.
The developer has installed more of the Ecological features on the houses. These are being monitored by the Site Monitoring Officer and the Ecologist.
The road and parking areas are being constructed adjoining Plots 28-33.
- Plots 1-8 and 15-18 have not commenced construction.
- Plots 9, 10 and 56-61 are at ground floor level.
- Plots 12-14, 19-25 and 36-39 are at roofline.
- Plots 11, 26-35, 40-44, 50-55, 62 and 63 are at the internal and external stages.
- Plots 48 and 49 are the sales house and office.
- Plots 45, 46, 47 and 64 are occupied.
April 2024
The landscaping work in the play area appears to have been completed. NFDC officers will be carrying out a site inspection of all the planting across the site next month.
- The wet weather caused delays to shaping up the land in the Northern section of the ANRG. This has now been completed and the area will be grass seeded shortly. The ANRG and the link to the footpath at Puddleslosh Lane are now open to the public. The planting in the ANRG has commenced and will continue until it's complete.
- The road and parking areas are being constructed adjoining Plots 40-44.
- The developer is cleaning the road regularly and ensuring the wheels of the lorries are kept free of mud.
- There have been no issues with noise from the development reported.
- Plots 1-10 and 15-18 have not commenced construction.
- Plots 56-61 have their slabs in.
- Plots 12-14 and 36-39 are at first floor level.
- Plots 19-25 and 32-35 are at roofline.
- Plots 11, 26-31, 40-44, 46, 50-55, 62 and 63 are at the internal and external stages.
- Plots 48 and 49 are the sales house and office.
- Plots 45, 47 and 64 are occupied.
March 2024
Augustus Park (Land East of Whitsbury Road), planning reference 17/10150
- The remedial works required to be carried out by the developer continue to be monitored by the Open Spaces Officer. The Open Spaces Officer continues to liaise with the developer to progress the transfer of the POS (Public Open Space).
Parcel 1 - Tinkers Cross, planning reference 20/11469
- The tree protection fencing is all in situ.
- The ANRG (Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace) at the Southern end of the site is open to the public. The Northern end is still being shaped then it will also be opened to the public. The planting and seeding will be carried out while it is open.
- The footpath entrance from the Northern end of the site into Puddleslosh Lane has been constructed. Once the Northern ANRG is open to the public, the link will be opened too.
- The Planning Case Officer is liaising with the developer to ensure the development complies with the agreed details.
- The developer informed us that the ROPSA (Playground inspection) remedials for the play area have been carried out.
- The required ecological features have now been installed
February 2024
- The developer is cleaning the road regularly using their jet wash attachment. They are also using the equipment for removal of mud off the lorry wheels on site.
- The tree protection fencing is all in situ.
- The works to widen the footpath to the East of Whitsbury Road have not commenced yet. The site manager has advised that they were waiting for agreement from Hampshire County Council.
- The trees and shrubs are being planted in the ANRG (Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace) at the Southern end of the site, including the play area. The adjoining areas are not ready for planting as construction works are ongoing.
- A site inspection of the planting has been arranged for the Spring when the trees will be in leaf. This will be attended by the NFDC Tree Officer.
- The ANRG at the Southern end is open to the public and so is the connection to the FORD1 (Augustus Park) SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Green space).
- The play area is not open to the public yet. The required ROSPA inspection has taken place so that any remedial works can be carried out. The play area can then be opened.
- The construction of the drainage basins is complete. The developer is constructing the pathways through that area, then the planting can go in. Once this is complete the area can be opened to the public.
- The ecological features have been checked and a chaser sent to the developer for their action.
- Plots 1-10 and 15-18 have not commenced construction.
- Plots 56-61 have their slabs in.
- Plots 11-14, 32-39 are at ground floor level.
- Plot 19-31, 40-44 are at roofline.Plots 45, 46 48-55, 62 and 63 are at the internal and external stages.
- Plots 47 and 64 are occupied.