2022 updates
December 2022
- The landscaping maintenance contractor has re-seeded the wildflower meadow area on the Eastern side of the bio-retention pond.
- The remedial tree planting will be carried out in December
November 2022
- The annual Autumn tree inspection has taken place and the remedial planting plans have been passed to the Developer to make sure that all failed trees are replaced this coming planting season.
- The smaller planting in the 5 landscaping strips adjoining the play area has been carried out. The required trees will be planted in December.
- Failed trees across the site will be planted in December.
September 2022
- The landscape contractor is on site currently, grass seeding and wildflower seeding any outstanding areas, along with topping up areas that have not germinated satisfactorily. Any failed trees and shrubs will be planted this planting season.
- The pathway across the Central Park area has been constructed and the soft landscaping/shaping of the area is currently being carried out, which will include the smaller planting and seeding. The trees will be planted this planting season
- Liaison regarding the allotments is still ongoing.
August 2022
- A tree inspection across the whole site has recently been carried out, involving our Tree Officer. Remedial planting plans are with the developer for their attention and remediation. Any trees that have failed are going to be planted during the next planting season from October.
- The pathway across the Central Park area is being constructed and the soft landscaping/shaping of the area is being carried out. The planting and seeding will be carried out after this has been completed.
- The allotments are progressing.
July 2022
- The new highway footpath along Whitsbury Road, adjoining the entrance to the site is now complete and the road works have been removed.
- Some landscaping features are still due to be installed in the Central Park area
- The Developer is continuing works on the allotments to get them ready for transfer.
- A tree inspection will be carried out to identify any failed trees that require replacement, or any that require monitoring.
June 2022
- The hard landscaping adjoining the school drop off parking area has been completed.
- Further planting is required to the Eastern sides/edges of the bio-retention pond and meadow seed is due to be sown in the area around the top of the Eastern side of the pond.
- The required remediation works have been carried out to the headwalls in the swale running through the Eastern SANG.
May 2022
The new highway footpath along Whitsbury Road, adjoining the entrance to the site, has commenced construction. This is being overseen by Hampshire County Council, using their contractor. Traffic controls will be in place whilst this work is being under taken.
The spoil heap in the agricultural land adjoining the Northern end of the site has been reduced in height by reprofiling, and by spreading out the soil in the area available.
Most of the planting has now been carried out, although there are some trees that are due to be planted at the Northern end of the site.
The school parking places are now completed at the edge of the Eastern SANG and the required grass areas have been seeded.
April 2022
The developer has left site, but the sub-contractor doing the remaining civil engineering works (RW Langley) and the landscaping contractor (Land Products) are both still present.
The height of the spoil is going to be reduced as much as possible by spreading it out in the available space in that section, off site. It will then be grass seeded.
A plan to remediate the bio-retention pond will be submitted to NFDC by the landscape contractor.
The highways contractor has carried out and completed the top layer road surfacing across the site.
Remedial works have commenced, but are still ongoing in the swale in the Eastern SANG.
March 2022
The highways contractor is still carrying out the works to raise the road gullies ready for the final road surfacing to be laid.
The temporary car parking area at the Northern end, adjoining the site, has been cleared of equipment and materials. The temporary grasscrete parking surface has also been removed.
The spoil removal from the Northern end, adjoining the site, is still ongoing.
Some of the remedial planting has been undertaken with the aim to complete by the end of March.
February 2022
The playground is open. The play surfacing work has been completed. The hard stand edging at the play area gate entrance will be completed at the same time as the adjoining new footpath construction.
In Phase 4 three plots remain occupied pending completion of the external and landscaping works.
Road gullies are being raised ready for the final road surfacing to be laid.
The spoil removal from the Northern end, adjoining the site, is still ongoing.
January 2022
In Phase 1 the two sales houses have sold, but will not be occupied until the end of January 2022. All the remaining houses are occupied.
In Phase 2 all houses are occupied.
In Phase 3 all houses are occupied.
In Phase 4 four houses have exchanged and the rest are occupied. Those not occupied are pending construction/completion.
The fence and entrance gates for the allotments have been constructed.
The hedgerows have now been planted. Remedial tree planting will be carried out after before the end of March 2022.