2023 updates
December 2023
- We continue to chase the developer for a decision/direction the works outstanding to facilitate transfer of the POS (Public Open Space), this could include payment of a defects sum to enable to the Council to directly carry out the works. Some of the planting is due to be carried out in the short term.
- The new pathway link from the Northern end of the Western SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Green space) through to the Tinkers Cross site has been constructed. The section of highway verge that requires completion in the Northern end of the Western SANG has been seeded and the fencing has been replaced. This section of hedgerow is still due to be re-planted.
November 2023
- The new pathway link from the Northern end of the Western SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Green space) through to the Tinkers Cross site is being constructed.
- It has been agreed that the section of highway verge that requires completion in the Northern end of the Western SANG will be seeded whilst they were doing the seeding on the adjoining site at Tinkers Cross. This section of hedgerow will be re-planted, with a fence being installed too.
October 2023
- The site has been mowed recently and is looking tidy. The SANG pathway has been reinstated.
- The dead trees along the treeline boundary between the FORD1 SANG and the Tinkers Cross site have been removed. These will be replaced.
- The land is being prepped ready for grass seeding shortly.
August 2023
Planning officers are working with the developer to agree a defects list and an agreed approach to carrying out the works. A site meeting has been arranged to reach an agreement on the details.
June 2023
- Discussions are ongoing regarding items that will comprise a defects list
- The maintenance parking area has been improved
May 2023
- The footpath linking this development to Burgate Acres is being constructed by Metis Homes. The footpath base layer has been laid and the path is open.
- The contractor has been on site mowing and strimming. They have an obligation to maintain the site until transfer.
- Both affordable housing areas are now being maintained and planting has been replaced.
April 2023
- Most of the required remedial planting has taken place. Some extra trees are still required to be planted in the SANG.
- The remaining grass and wildflower seeding will be able to take place soon when the weather warms up.
- An area of the SANG that has been returned to its previous use is required to be levelled up, grass seeded and replacement shrubs planted.
- The Developer has commenced construction of the maintenance parking area.
- Some trees that were considered to be unsafe in the long term by SSE under the power cables in the SANG have been removed and repositioned.
- The unauthorised pathway in the Western SANG has been removed. The land is due to be prepared and returned to its previous natural state. Some planting is required.
March 2023
- The developer has informed us that the tree planting has commenced.
- There is an area in the North-Eastern section of the site where drainage installation works have recently been carried out. This is in conjunction with the site at Burgate Acres. The land needs to be made good and grass seeding carried out. The developer has been informed of this and they will be carrying out the works imminently.
January 2023
- the required remedial planting is due to be completed by the end of January 2023.
- liaison is taking place between the Council, the developer and Fordingbridge Town Council regarding the allotments