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Ecological Enhancement Schedule

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is an approach to development, that aims to leave the natural environment in a measurably better state than beforehand. 

Species enhancement measures are not included within the Biodiversity Net Gain metric.

As part of our Climate and Nature Emergency Declaration, we seek to incorporate and see the delivery of ecological enhancement measures within new developments across the district.

The emerging position seeks the following to be provided / incorporated for all major new build development.

Features should be integral to the building fabric.

A proportionate inclusion of these requirements is sought for minor development (gaps in fences should be provided irrespective of minor or major development):

  • an average of one swift nesting feature per dwelling;
  • if any swift nesting features are clustered for colony establishment purposes, all dwellings will continue to have at least one bird nesting feature e.g. swallow cup, sparrow terrace;
  • each dwelling should have at least one bat roosting feature;
  • each dwelling (or associated boundary walls) should have at least one bee brick; and
  • where gardens adjoin other gardens, open space or Alternative natural recreational greenspace (ANRG), hedgehog friendly fencing should always be used (not to be included facing roads)

In the event that a particular building does not have an elevation suitable for inclusion of the above features, not including a feature is acceptable but justification for their omission should be provided by the project ecologist

We have produced an Ecological Enhancement Schedule to be completed by developers. This is intended to provide clarity for what integrated ecological enhancement measures are proposed on which plots / aspects and at what height as part of a given development. It is intended to assist developers and their contractors track the delivery of these features and assist us in determining compliance.

The schedule should be accompanied by an appropriately detailed plan (or series of plans) which must be at a minimum scale of 1:500 showing the locations of the enhancement measures (site plans and elevation drawings as appropriate). These should clearly show plot numbers, the enhancement measures and include a key. Examples of suitable siting locations on elevation drawings should be provided for the different ecological enhancements. 

For full applications, this should be submitted with the planning application. For outline applications it will either be secured by condition or will be expected to support the reserved matters application.

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