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Mitigation Programme 2023/24

Each year a range of projects from the approved projects list have been delivered funded from CIL contributions. Details of the projects approved for delivery for 2023/24 and their progress is set out below:


Oaklands Way / Challenger Way - walking route improvements

Enhancement and promotion of walking routes through woodland and residential areas, including installation of interpretation boards and signage to promote the route. The footpath improvements were completed in Summer 2024.


Woodside Park - Access and Open Space Enhancement Works

Provision of new footpaths to provide all year round accessible walking routes in and around Woodside Park to encourage informal recreation. The landscape works also include an enclosed area for dog agility and off-lead dog training and a community orchard.  The works were completed in November 2024.

Grove Gardens - Improved signage and Open Space Enhancement Works

Improved signage to encourage use of Grove Gardens and connections to local facilities. The project has been divided into two phases. The Phase 2 works will be delivered as part of a future mitigation programme in 2024/25.

Withy Woods - Phase 1 - Access and Open Space Enhancement Works

Improvements to the path network to provide year-round dry access. Environmental improvements within the site to enhance biodiversity. The project has been divided into two phases.  The initial phase will deliver signage and access improvements was completed August 2024. The Phase 2 works will be delivered as part of a future mitigation programme in 2024/25.

Pennington - walking route improvements

Promotion and enhancement of the public rights of way including the installation of interpretation boards and improved accessibility. Construction works were completed in September 2024.

New Milton

Carrick Way Woodland - Access and Open Space Enhancement Works

Improved public access to the site, including the provision of information/interpretation signs, and the provision of a surfaced footpath route. Two timber bridges were constructed across the Danes Stream to provide access to the southern part of the site. Construction works were completed in July 2024.

Ashington Park - Access and Open Space Enhancement Works

Path improvement and circular route with signage and waste bins. Construction works were completed November 2023.


Bartley Park extension - Access and Open Space Enhancement Works

Bartley Park has been extended to include the area of land south of the skateboard park. The extension works referred to as Bartley Park Meadow will provide additional natural green space for informal recreation, including dog exercise, a timber boardwalk, and enhancements to biodiversity.  Access to Ashurst Bridge Road will also be provided. Construction works were completed in August 2024.

Testwood Recreation Ground Phase 1 - Access and Open Space Enhancement Works

Phase 1 included landscape works to Cheam Park to provide informal open space enhancements, including improved signage and interpretation to create a recreational walking route linking through to adjoining public open spaces. Natural planting and biodiversity improvements were provided. Tree planting works was carried out in February 2024 and the main footpath construction works completed in May 2024. The Phase 2 of the works will be delivered as part of a future mitigation programme in 2024/25.

King George's Recreation Ground - New pedestrian bridge

Installation of new pedestrian bridges across existing watercourse to improve links between the two areas of public open space and adjacent residential areas. The works were completed in October 2024.

Bartley Park - walking route improvements

Improvements to selected paths to provide year-round dry routes to increase use and encourage dog walking. This project was delivered in conjunction with Bartley Park Extension.

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