New Milton Neighbourhood Plan - Information Sheet
A referendum relating to the adoption of the New Milton Neighbourhood Development Plan will be held on Thursday 6 May 2021.
A Neighbourhood Development Plan contains policies for the use of land in a designated neighbourhood area.
In 2015 New Milton Town Council ("The Qualifying Body") decided to produce a Neighbourhood Plan and public consultation has taken place on the draft Neighbourhood Plan. The designated Neighbourhood Plan Area is the whole of New Milton Parish (PDF, 145 KB).
There is a statutory process which must be followed for the making of a Neighbourhood Plan. The process involves holding a Referendum. The question, which will be asked in the Referendum is:
'Do you want New Forest District Council and New Forest National Park Authority to use the Neighbourhood Plan for New Milton to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area?"
You are asked to vote either 'yes' or 'no' to this question.
If more than half of those voting in the referendum vote 'Yes' in response to the question above then the Neighbourhood Plan must be 'made' (adopted) by New Forest District Council and New Forest National Park Authority and the Neighbourhood Plan will be part of both planning authorities' Development Plans. This means that the Plan will be used in the determination of planning applications for the designated area of New Milton Parish.
Further information about neighbourhood planning is available on the following websites:
The Referendum Area
The referendum area is identical to the area which has been designated as the New Milton Neighbourhood Plan area (PDF, 145 KB).
Eligibility to Vote
A person is entitled to vote in the Referendum if on 6th May 2021:
- He or she is entitled to vote in a local government election for the Referendum area; and
- He or she has an address at which they are registered to vote within the Referendum area and are over the age of 18 years on the date of poll.
Referendum Expenses
The referendum expenses limit which will apply in relation to the referendum is £3,629. This has been calculated by adding £0.059 for each of the 21,489 local government electors for the referendum area, at the date of publication of the notice of referendum, to the base amount of £2,362.
The Referendum will be conducted in accordance with procedures which are similar to those used at local government elections. The Referendum is arranged and overseen by New Forest District Council on behalf of the two local planning authorities.
Specified Documents
Certain specified documents must be provided for the Referendum. The following specified documents are published and made available for inspection:
- This Information Statement, which provides general information about neighbourhood planning, the referendum and a map of the referendum area;
- The New Milton Neighbourhood Plan (the referendum version);
- The report of the independent examiner into the Neighbourhood Plan;
- Decision Statements undertaken respectively by New Forest District Council and New Forest National Park Authority of both the Local Planning Authorities satisfaction that the New Milton Neighbourhood Plan as recommended for modification by the Examiner meets the necessary legal and procedural requirements, and background information;
- Summaries of the written representations submitted to the independent examiner;
- A statement that sets out general information in respect of town and country planning, which includes neighbourhood planning.
They can be viewed on the New Forest District Council website at:
How to find out more
For queries about planning issues and neighbourhood planning in general please contact
New Forest District Planning Policy Team
or call us on 023 8028 5345 (Option 1)
or contact the New Forest National Park Authority Planning Policy Team
Email the New Forest National Park Authority
on call them on 01590 646600
For more information about voting and the arrangements for this referendum please contact the Elections Team
or call 023 8028 5445