Tenant engagement and participation
We're passionate about our tenants, your homes and our communities.
We're keen to hear what you have to say about your home, where you live, and how our housing services affect you.
As a housing tenant, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to have a say and directly influence our services.
This can be a simple as any day-to-day interaction you have with us, such as reporting a repair, or highlighting an issue in your community,to becoming an actively involved tenant, working with us on improving our service.
If you have an idea, thought or suggestion, or just want to make sure you're contributing to your neighbourhood, please join in with our conversations, projects and surveys.
You can also get in touch through the Housing Hub by calling 023 8028 5222 or emailing housing.supporthub@nfdc.gov.uk.
You can also speak to any of our housing teams when we're out and about.
On this page:
How to get involved
We want to make getting involved easy, regardless of your circumstances or background. It starts with the simplest of activities, from raising a repair in your home, talking to, or messaging our Housing Hub, or talking with one of our officers or operatives when we're out and about, giving feedback and helping inform our services.
We also offer a range or ways for you to look at how we're performing and hold us to account. You'll find information on this webpage and various links to help.
If you'd like to be more proactively involved, this starts with giving us your feedback whenever you' need to, or if we ask you to complete a survey or consultation.
If you're really interested in looking more closely at our services, and have some time to give as a volunteer, we have a number of ways that you can become involved, through meetings, consultations, scrutiny exercises and more. If you'd like to talk about any of these options, please give us a call or drop us an email, 02380 285119, TenantEngagement@nfdc.gov.uk
Meet the team events
Meet the tenant engagement team at a community hub this October, November and December.
We'll be there to have a friendly chat about your housing services and offer support and guidance where needed
Enjoy a hot drink provided by the hubs allowing you to catch up and meet other residents from your area
The hubs are at the same time as the weekly food larders.
- Calshot, 23 January, 13 February, 20 March
- Fordingbridge, 31 January, 28 February, 28 March
- New Milton, 15 January, 12 February, 12 March
- Pennington, 9 January, 27 February, 13 March
- Totton, 8 January, 5 February, 5 March
The tenant engagement team intend to attend all the community hubs dates mentioned above but for any unforeseen circumstances that may stop us from attending we will make contact and let the hub organisers know. If your query or enquiry can't wait until we are visiting the Hubs please give us a call or drop us an email, 02380 285498,TenantEngagement@nfdc.gov.uk
Tenant satisfaction measures
As part of the regulatory requirements, we need to collect our performance against a number of tenant satisfaction measures.
These include 10 measures of service delivery performance, alongside 12 measures that collect the views of our tenants.
Acuity Research and Practice will be undertaking the surveys to gather the views of our tenants.
Find out more about the Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey 2024/25.
Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey 2023/24
We're really pleased with the results, and very proud of the good work you've told us we do.
View the tenant satisfaction measures
Hometalk magazine
Hometalk magazine is produced for our tenants and leaseholders to provide them with updates on council housing and to publish information they may find useful.
The magazine's content, design and layout is reviewed and approved by tenants and council officers and managers.
View editions of Hometalk magazine
Go Vocal
Go Vocal is the online platform we use for digital participation. You can find out about what we're currently working on and how you can get involved.
Registration is easy, and once you're set up, you'll be able to participate in any number of projects, consultations, and ways to help shape our housing services.
Get involved on our Go Vocal website
National tenant participation
We're keen to make sure you have all the resources you need when holding us to account. You may find the following links helpful, but please get in touch if you want to know more about our involvement activities and how you can get involved.
Tenant engagement experts, promoting, supporting and championing tenant involvement and empowerment in social housing across England. Tpas,Tenant engagement experts
Four Million Homes
The governments free tenant training programme: Four Million Homes - Knowledge and action for change in social housing
Make Things Right
We are supporting the government's 'Make things right' campaign, which aims to ensure those living with issues in their social housing know their rights, know how to complain, and feel empowered that their voice will be heard:Social housing issue? Know how to complain (socialhousingcomplaints.campaign.gov.uk)
Tenant engagement strategy
We are proud to work collaboratively with our tenants to provide a safe and comfortable home within the communities we serve.
However, we want to do more.
We need to know more about our tenants and their needs. We want to ensure our tenants can easily tell us what they think of the services they receive. We want our tenants to know they will be listened to, and their views taken account of.
To help deliver these aims we have produced a new tenant engagement strategy outlining our key commitments to tenants.
This new strategy has been co-produced with our Tenant Involvement Group and housing staff.
The tenant engagement strategy has now been formally adopted. Take a look at our plans for the next four years.
Tenant Engagement Strategy (PDF, 1 MB)
We're continuing to work through our action plan and will have a number of exciting opportunities, events and information that will be shared over the coming months.
If you'd like to be involved in shaping our services, please let us know. You can contact us by any of the following methods, and one of the team will always be happy to have a chat.
Telephone 02380 285222 and ask to speak to the tenant engagement team, email: TenantEngagement@nfdc.gov.uk, or come and speak to any of us when you see us out and about.
You can speak to the tenant engagement team, or your local neighbourhood and tenancy management officer or administrator.
If you just want to see how we're performing, we're working on a number of ways for you to hold us to account.
Check out your next edition of Hometalk magazine, our website, our social media channels, or here for the latest updates.
Thanks again to all of our tenants.