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Get ready, get set, and go instruction leaflets

Download and view copies of the new waste service instruction leaflets. These leaflets have been delivered to homes where we're currently introducing the new waste service. 

If you do not have a leaflet, then it is probabable that you live in an area where the service will not start until later in the year or in 2026.

Find out when the new waste collections will start for your household

There is also a copy of the general leaflet which is in our information offices and will be sent out with our Council Tax bill.

  • Get Ready leaflet: sent to you in the post before new waste containers are delivered
  • Get Set leaflet: delivered with food waste caddies
  • Go leaflet: sent to you in the post a few weeks before your new waste collections start

Get ready leaflets for those in phase 1

Get ready leaflet general (PDF, 1 MB)

Get ready leaflet for people using sacks (PDF, 1 MB)

Get ready leaflet for flats and communal bins (PDF, 540 KB)

Leaflet sent to every household with Council Tax bills

New waste service Council Tax Leaflet (PDF, 1 MB)

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