Young people and families

There is a range of different agencies working to support young people and their families.

Some work locally, within a specific community, whilst some work across the district and include help for children, young people and families of young people.

The support includes workshops for parents as well as sessions and advice for young people.

Youth & Families Matter- a charity based in Totton  Youth and Families Matter - Home

Families Matter - a charity based in Hythe Families Matter - at Hythe United Reform Church - Families Matter - at Hythe United Reform Church (

Youth Options - a charity that works in Totton and across the district Youth Support • Children & Youth Charity • Targeted Support (

Handy Trust - a charity based in Hythe and Marchwood  Who we are | Thehandytrust

Fawley Youth Trust - based in Fawley parish  Youth Activities | Fawley Parish Council (

New Milton Youth Trust - a charity based in New Milton   New Milton Youth Trust (

Breakout Youth - supporting LGBTQ+ community in Marchwood and New Milton  Breakout Youth: LGBTQ+ Support Hampshire & Isle of Wight

If you are a young carer or if you know someone that is, there is support available from New Forest Young Carers - Community First (

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