Health strategies, policies, and data
Using available data and insight we have developed New Forest District Council's Strategic Plan for Health and Wellbeing 2022-2025
Health and Wellbeing Report 2022-2025 (PDF, 2 MB)
Hampshire County Council are responsible for public health in the county.
We look to connect with their strategic plans and ensure a whole system approach to tackling inequalities.
The Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
The Hampshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment takes data from a number of sources and collates it to look at the current and future health and wellbeing needs and inequalities within our population. This information can be explored at district level or more locally.
Hampshire Mental Health & Wellbeing Index 2023
A data report for mental health and wellbeing for Hampshire to better understand our population, This tool aims to assess the mental health and wellbeing of people across the county.
Hampshire Mental Health & Wellbeing
Hampshire Health in Education
Hampshire Health in Education is a public health programme for all early years and school settings in Hampshire. The aim is to support you to take a whole setting approach to health and wellbeing supporting children, young people, and their families.
This page provides information and advice, teaching resources and training on a range of health issues. Emotional Wellbeing | Health and social care | Hampshire County Council (