Being financially responsible
Being financially responsible, we will:
Maintain a balanced budget and deliver value for money to our residents through service reviews, procurement and contract management, and transformation efficiencies.
Maintain an up-to-date medium term financial plan and financial strategy to address the council's financial challenges beyond the short-term
Be commercially focused in our approach to investment strategies and income opportunities guided by strategic priorities.
Maximise the use of our assets and accommodation to support efficient and effective delivery of our future service provision.
It will be measured by:
Percentage variance to Council budget +/- (General fund budget variations).
Percentage variance to Housing Revenue budget +/- (HRA budget variations).
Percentage of Council Tax collected in year.
Percentage of Non-domestic Rates collected in year.
Delivery supported through:
Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP)
Transformation strategy
Asset & accommodation strategy
Procurement strategy