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Sign up for garden waste collections


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How the service works

We will collect your garden waste every 2 weeks. 

There are no garden waste collections over Christmas and New Year, from Monday 22 December 2025 to Sunday 4 January 2026.  

Garden waste bins

We use 240 litre wheelie bins to collect garden waste.

The bins are black with a brown lid. The dimensions for the bins are: 

  • height, 107cm
  • width, 58cm 
  • depth, 72cm


When you join the service or renew your subscription, you will pay for 12 months of fortnightly garden waste collections:

  • £70 for 12 months of fortnightly collections (per garden waste bin)
  • £30 one-off supply charge, per garden waste bin

You can apply for up to 5 garden waste bins per household. The £30 one-off supply charge per garden waste bin covers administration and delivery.

Sign up or renew your subscription for garden waste collections 

Pay online

Pay by phone 

To renew your subscription or sign-up and pay by phone, call 023 8028 5391.

Please have your debit or credit card ready.

Pay in person 

You can receive support at one of our local information offices.

What happens once you have joined the service 

We will send you an email or letter confirming your first garden waste collection date. 

After you have joined the service, it may take up to 10 working days for your bin(s) to be delivered. We will leave your bin(s) outside the front of your property and as far away from the road or pavement as possible. 

How to order an extra garden waste bin

Garden waste customers can order extra bins, as long as the household has no more than 5 garden waste bins.

How to order extra garden waste bins:

Terms and conditions 

When joining the new service and paying for garden waste collections, you will need to agree to the terms and conditions below. 

Garden waste service terms and conditions from April 2024

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