Chapter 2: Infrastructure Statement
2.1 This Infrastructure Funding Statement includes:
- A report summarising CIL receipts for 23/24
- A report relating to Section 106 planning obligation receipts for 23/24
- A report on the infrastructure projects that the authority intends to fund from CIL in the current financial year (24/25) (excluding the neighbourhood proportion)
2.2 The allocation of CIL and S106 monies in relation to projects to be delivered in the reporting year 24/25 have been made in accordance with decisions made (or information contained within the following documents:
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2018
- Mitigation for Recreational Impacts On New Forest European Sites 2021.
- Allocation of Community Infrastructure Levy - Recreational Mitigation Projects March 2023 Portfolio Holder Report
- CIL Expenditure Framework October 2023
- Work Programme for the Design and Implementation of Habitat Mitigation Projects 24/25
- Allocation of Transportation developer contributions Lymington and Pennington May 2024