Planning policy
Planning policies set the framework under which decisions on planning applications are made. They set out what development can happen, where it can take place and how much there can be.
New Forest has significant areas of nature conservation and landscape importance, so our planning policies also protect the natural environment and heritage.
Local planning policies are set out in a group of documents called the Local Plan and Supporting Documents.
We have just commenced on a review of our local plan. More information will be published as soon as it becomes available.
Development Plan
The key policy document that sets the planning strategy for the district.
Planning policy guidance
If you submit a development proposal you should familiarise yourself with our planning policy guidance, as they might affect your proposals.
Neighbourhood planning
Giving local communities a say in how development happens in their area.
Local Development Scheme
The LDS provides information about the Local Plan for the district.
Statement of Community Involvement
The SCI sets out how we consult and involve others in planning matters.
Monitoring Report
Assessing how our planning policies are being implemented.
Brownfield land register
A register for previously developed land that is suitable for housing development.
Housing Delivery Test
Measures to maintain or improve the delivery of housing.
Self-build and custom housebuilding register
Registering demand for plots of land for self-build or custom-build homes.
Response to National Planning Policy Framework consultation
The Council's response to the recent National Planning Policy Framework consultation in 2024.
Call for Sites
The Call for Sites is an opportunity for landowners, development interests and communities to suggest possible sites that may be suitable for development or that could be used more productively or beneficially