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New rubbish collections

Once your new waste collections start, we will collect your recycling and rubbish on alternate weeks. Rubbish will be collected one week and recycling the next week. 

Your new rubbish bin

Households will get an 180 litre black-lid rubbish bin for rubbish collections.

Your rubbish bin must have its lid fully closed when ready for collection, otherwise it may not be collected.

Eligible households will be able to apply for a larger or smaller bin.  

Our new waste collection policy includes how to put bins out for waste collections, criteria for different size bins and extra bins, and how we can collect extra recycling. Before new waste collections start, we will update our website with more information. This will include how you can apply for different size bins, extra bins, or extra capacity for recycling.

If you live in a flat, a property which shares communal bins, or we have assessed your property as unsuitable for wheelie bins, the waste containers you use for the new service may be different. If this applies to your property, we will write to you with details before the changes are due in your area. 

What can and cannot go in the rubbish bin

Your rubbish bin will be for most household waste you cannot recycle.

Please do not put the following items in your rubbish bin: 

  • electrical items
  • batteries
  • clinical waste, including medical syringes 
  • garden waste
  • hazardous waste (such as asbestos)
  • bulky household items

We provide a healthcare waste collection service for clinical waste, including medical syringes. 

To dispose of garden waste, you can subscribe to our garden waste collection service, compost garden waste, or take it to your local Household Waste and Recycling Centre (HWRC). 

Batteries can be recycled at many retail outlets. To check where you can recycle batteries near you, visit the Recycle Your Electricals website (

Medical syringes should never be placed in the black refuse sack, even if you believe they are securely wrapped or contained. The council provides a free healthcare waste collection service for this type of waste.

New fortnightly limit on rubbish 

Our current waste collection service of sacks has no restriction on how much rubbish can be collected.

To help encourage recycling and reduce waste in the district, there will be a limit on how much rubbish we collect from all properties in the district. 

Eligible households will be able to apply for a larger or smaller bin, or extra bins.

Our new waste collection policy includes criteria for different size bins and extra bins, and how we can collect extra recycling. Before new waste collections start, we will update our website with more information. This will include how you can apply for different size bins, extra bins, or extra capacity for recycling.

When we will collect your rubbish

Before your new waste collections are due, we will write to you confirming your collection days and start date. 

Your collection days and times are likely to change but you will be notified.

What happens to your rubbish

Most of the non-recyclable waste collected from homes in Hampshire is taken to one of three Energy Recovery Facilities located in Marchwood, Chine ham and Portsmouth. These facilities are managed by Hampshire County Council.

These facilities safely incinerate the waste and use the heat from this process to create steam, in turn generating electricity which is fed to the National Grid.

For more information on what happens to waste in Hampshire, visit Hampshire County Council's website (

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