2022 updates
December 2022
- The roadways adjoining the entrance and the crossing are being constructed. The grass seeding of the nonpaved areas has been carried out.
- The roads are continuing construction throughout the site, both the spine and spur roads.
- The tree protection is in place across the site to protect the open space areas and tree root protection zones.
- The developer has started work on the ARNG (Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace). They are carrying out the clearance of brambles. The pathways are due to be constructed along with the play areas prior to 1st occupation. This is expected to be in March. Both the ARNG and the play areas need to be completed and open prior to this.
- Plots 6-15 are having their 1st floor walls constructed.
- Plots 16-19, 23-28, 31 and 32 are having their slabs constructed.
- Plots 29, 30 and 33-35 are having their ground floor walls constructed.
- The construction of the spur roads is being carried out at the Northern end of the site. The road drainage is going in.
- Plots 56-63 have their foundations and service access points in, both for the water and the drainage.
- Plots 47-50 have commenced construction. Their foundations are being constructed.
- Plots 36-42 have their foundations and service access points are in, both the water and the drainage.
November 2022
- The main road into the site is being constructed. The kerbs and services are going in with the tarmac top layer being laid at the end of October.
- The spine road through the site to the Northern end is being constructed. The kerbs are going in currently.
- The POS (Public Open Space) and ANRG (Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace) areas have been fenced off to protect them.
- Plots 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 have their foundations in and the water and drainage lines have been installed.
- Plots 62, 63 have their foundations in.
- Plots 56-61 are having their foundations constructed. The existing house is being demolished currently.
- Plots 23-28, 31 and 32 have their foundations constructed and their drainage and water service lines installed.
- Plots 6-15, 29, 30 and 33-35 have their slabs constructed and are currently having their ground floor walls constructed.
September 2022
- The Northern end of the site has been cleared and is now being used as a materials compound as per the agreed plan.
- The main spine road into the site has been constructed, for site traffic to use.
- The site compound and welfare units are in situ, as is the site parking.
- The soakaway serving Plots 1-11 has been constructed. The car park serving these plots is also in situ and is being used for storage of the site vehicles.
- Plots 6-15, 28-31, and 33-35 have commenced construction. Their foundations are in and the bases are being prepped ready to start construction of the slabs.
August 2022
- Site clearance has taken place across most of the site. The existing dwellings and outbuildings due to be demolished are currently still in situ.
- The tree protection is in situ. This was checked across the whole of the site against the agreed plan.
- The Northern end of the site has commenced site clearance with the turf starting to be removed.
- The soakaway serving Plots 1-11 is being constructed.
- Plots 6-14 have commenced construction. The foundations are in and the bases are being prepped ready for the beams to be installed to start creating the slabs.
April 2022
Application 20/10228 was presented to our planning committee with a recommendation to allow a further three month period until the end of June 2022 for the completion of the S106 Agreement and the issuing of the Planning Permission.
The decision given was that the Executive Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy be given authority until the end of June 2022 to complete the S106 Agreement and for the Planning Permission to be issued. You can read the planning committee report below: