Lymington and Pennington Town Council (Lymington Ward) by-election, Thursday 16 January 2025
On this page:
The information published below relates to the election of a town councillor for Lymington and Pennington (Lymington Ward) by-election on Thursday 16 January 2025.
Statutory notices
Hard copies of all notices will be available for inspection at Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA.
Notice of results
The notice of results gives detail of which candidates were elected.
Declaration of Results of Poll Lymington & Pennington (Lymington Ward) by-election (PDF, 189 KB)
Notice of election
The notice of election was published on Friday 6 December 2024.
Notice of election, Lymington & Pennington (Lymington Ward) by-election (PDF, 81 KB)
Statement of persons nominated
The statement of persons nominated gives detail of who is standing as a candidate in this election.
Statement of persons nominated, Lymington & Pennington (Lymington Ward) by-election (PDF, 14 KB)
Notice of poll
The notice of poll gives detail of the poll as well as the location of the polling station(s).
Notice of poll, Lymington & Pennington (Lymington Ward) by-election (PDF, 67 KB)
Information for candidates
Electoral Commission guidance
The Electoral Commission provide guidance on standing as a candidate.
You are encouraged to refer to the guidance when completing the nomination paper and throughout your campaign.
Election timetable
Download the election timetable below.
We must received your completed nomination papers no later than 4pm on Monday 16 December 2024.
You must return your completed papers by hand to Electoral Services, Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA.
We strongly advise that candidates take advantage of an informal check of their papers with one of our team. To arrange a time to come in and see us please contact Electoral Services using the details at the bottom of this page.
Nominations are provided by the Electoral Commission and all pages must be submitted even if their content is not relevant.
We are unable to advise on specifics of your campaign.
Candidates and agents are advised to read the Electoral Commission guidance on campaigning.
Candidates are advised to read the Electoral Commission guidance on spending and donations at elections in England.
Candidates are required by law to limit their spending to £960.00 plus 8 pence for each entry on the electoral register for the relevant area.
The electorate number for the purpose of calculating spending limits for Lymington Ward at the time of the election is 4179
You are required by law to complete and return details of spending and donations to us by the deadline and should be returned to Electoral Services at the address below.
If you did not incur any expenditure, you must submit a Nil return. Please note, no spending will be reimbursed.
Download the spending return form and declaration below.
Download the spending return form - Town and Parish candidate
Verification and counting of votes
The verification and counting of the votes took place on Thursday 16 January 2025
For any enquiries or to contact us please use the following contact details.
Post: Electoral Services, Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA
Phone: 023 8028 5445