2: Supporting our high-quality business base and economic centres to thrive and grow

2: Supporting our high-quality business base and economic centres to thrive and grow (2)
We will
Work with local people and stakeholders to develop visions and proposals for their high streets and town centres and consider where targeted regeneration approaches may be necessary.
Establish partnerships to support our local areas to bring in new investment including grant funding. Support our SME base to thrive, working with the New Forest Enterprise Centre and other business membership organisations and other partners, focusing across our tourism, rural and marine economy.
Explore the opportunities for our Arts and Culture offer and community events to help boost the vibrancy of our high streets and town centres
It will be measured by
Perceptions of our high streets and town centres.
Vacancies of retail premises within town/local centres.
Delivery will be supported through
UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund Programme
New Forest place strategy
Town centre partnerships