3: Caring for our facilities, neighbourhoods and open spaces in a modern and responsive way

3: Caring for our facilities, neighbourhoods and open spaces in a modern and responsive way (2)
We will
Introduce our district wide wheeled bin collection service and further implement our waste strategy to increase recycling rates and reduce the amount of residual waste. Deliver a new operational depot at Hardley and consider opportunities to enhance our other depot sites to facilitate carbon reduction across our operations.
Keep our ways of working and the services and facilities we provide under review, focusing on best practice and place-based outcomes to deliver in a modern and responsive way.
Work with our key stakeholders and partners to develop policies, strategies and approaches that enable us to robustly tackle issues that affect the quality of place such as fly tipping and environmental crime.
Develop a district wide parking strategy that looks to support new technologies, respond to the climate agenda, identify development opportunities and potentially generate more sustainable income levels to support the council's wider aspirations and service delivery.
It will be measured by
Number of fly-tipping incidents per 1,000 people.
Percentage customer satisfaction with the appearance of their local area.
Equivalent number of 0.5 litre bottles filled at water-filling stations - waste averted.
Delivery will be supported through
Hampshire joint municipal waste strategy
New Forest waste strategy 2022-2027
Environmental enforcement policy
Parking strategy