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2. Empowering our residents to live healthy, connected and fulfilling lives

corp plan

2. Empowering our residents to live healthy, connected and fulfilling lives

We will:

Protect and improve the health and wellbeing of our communities, working with partners to deliver increased physical activity and good mental health and wellbeing.

We will collaborate with partners to deliver a vibrant arts and culture offer to provide opportunities for learning, entertainment, leisure, personal growth and improved communication. Work closely with our other public bodies to promote safety, tackle the perception of crime within our towns and parishes, and expand our CCTV coverage to include rural areas.

Support our communities in increasing their resilience to respond to, withstand and recover from adverse situations. Conduct emergency preparedness exercises and ensure robust business continuity arrangements are in place to support community resilience in responding to incidents.

Work with our communities to understand their needs and empower them to influence the services and outcomes of their area.

It will be measured by:

Resident perception that their quality of life is affected by the fear of crime.

Resident perception that they feel safe when outside in their local area. Investment in and rollout of CCTV coverage.

Number of education and awareness sessions in relation to serious crime. Number of positive interventions in response to Public Spaces Protection Orders (1 and 2). Number of events and cultural activities supported by New Forest District Council.

Delivery will be supported through:

Health and wellbeing strategy

Community safety strategic partnership plan

Community strategy

Anti-social behaviour strategy

Cultural strategy

Tenant engagement strategy.

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