Fire risk assessments

Fire risk assessments are carried out by fire risk assessors, who carefully review the premises and the people that use them.

At the most basic level, it is a systematic look at premises and the activities carried out within it and includes identifying fire hazards, who may be affected in the event of a fire and an overall risk rating for the premises.

Where identified, there may be a need to take action to reduce the risk from fire within a recommended timescale.

Risk ratings explained 

There are 4 risk ratings:

  1. Trivial - no action is required. It is rare for a building to fall into this category.
  2. Tolerable - no major additional controls are required, but minor or limited improvements may be advised.
  3. Moderate - risk reduction measures should be implemented within a defined or reasonable timescale.
  4. Substantial - significant risk identified, often based on a small number of specific issues. Risk reduction measures should be implemented to reduce risk.


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