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Taxi and private hire policy consultation

This consultation has now closed.

A large number of responses have been received to the taxi policy consultation and all of these are now being reviewed. A summary of the responses and proposed amendments to the draft policy will be presented to Members at the General Purposes and Licensing Committee in January 2025, for their consideration. Any amendments will be agreed, prior to submission of the policy to Council for approval.

All proposed amendments and updates to the draft policy will be considered in line with the "Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Best Practice Guidance for Licensing Authorities in England" and Members will be recommended to consider giving appropriate lead in time,  should there be any new requirements which would have an impact on the existing trade.

If you require any further information please contact

Draft documents

The full draft Taxi Licensing Policy can be viewed below.

Draft Taxi Licensing Policy (PDF) [1MB]

In addition, the Key Changes Document highlights the major changes in the draft policy and the reason(s) for the proposed change or amendment. The full Key Changes Document can be viewed below.

DRAFT Key changes document - Taxi Licensing Policy (PDF) [330KB]

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