Appendix 1 - Suggested Mitigation Measures
An Air Quality Statement OR an Air Quality Assessment with a determined insignificant impact on local air quality.
- Development designed to reduce site user's exposure to pollutants, such as:
- No kerbside development
- No openable windows on domestic properties adjacent to emission release points
- Internal layout designed to reduce number of windows on elevations facing emission release points
- No installation of solid fuel (wood or coal) domestic appliances or open fires to be provided at any property
- Where provided, gas boilers shall meet the minimum standard of <40mgNOx/kWh
- Preference should be given to domestic heating systems that utilise low carbon heating technologies
- Development includes cycling / walking infrastructure
- Modal shift -encourage or require travel by vehicles other than the car including measures to improve public transport and promote use
- Car Clubs
- Cycling Hubs and corridors, including hire of bikes and E Bikes
- Installation of an electric vehicle charge point at each property or implementation of an electric vehicle charging scheme
- Implementation of a travel plan for residential or commercial site users including documentation of public transport options
- Public transport provisions provided / supplemented
- Provision of a delivery strategy (commercial development)
- Directions and signage - advertise and encourage vehicular travel to locations using alternative routes subject to the capacity and convenience of those alternative routes
- Low emission vehicles - use of low emission vehicles
- Green Infrastructure - Green networks and infrastructure, planting trees within or adjacent to development, use of green roofs and walls, biodiversity net gain in developments
- Provide a fleet emission reduction strategy/low emission strategy, including low emission fuels and technologies, including ultra-low emission service vehicles.
- On larger scale development provide a range of facilities including retail and employment uses to reduce the need to travel