Strategic Site 4: The former Fawley Power Station

Our Local Plan 2016-2036 Part 1: Planning Strategy has allocated this land, known as Strategic Site 4: The former Fawley Power Station for residential-led mixed use development and open space consisting of:

  • around 1,380 new homes dependent on the form, size and mix of housing provided, but predominantly apartments, within the central and southern parts of the site
  • Up to around 10,000 square metres of ancillary community, retail, leisure and service uses appropriate to serve a village-scale community, site-based activities and employees
  • Office uses and a marina may be included within primarily residential areas in the central and southern parts of the site, subject to demand and viability
  • Around 10 hectares of land in the northern part of the site for business and industrial uses (Use Classes B1 an B2) with a low environmental impact
  • Locations where sea access would be provided by the redevelopment to be prioritised for marine industries that require sea access, unless there is a demonstrable lack of demand

The area for the allocation can be seen below. The area of the development parcel is lined red.

Current development parcels

We are have received an outline planning application for the whole site.  This application was withdrawn on Friday 12 July 2024:


Reference: 19/10581

The proposal is for an outline application with details of access only and consists of 

  • the demolition of ancillary power station buildings and provision of 1,380 new homes
  • 95,300 square metres of new commercial, civic and employment space (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B8, C1, C3, D1 and D2)
  • enlargement of the dock and creation of a canal within part of the turbine hall basement
  • refurbishment of the remainder of the turbine hall basement to create up to 2,100 space car park
  • surface car parking
  • a boat stack
  • public open space, Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace
  • a primary access road through the site
  • flood defences/sea wall
  • raise of site level, hard and soft landscaping, associated infrastructure and engineering works

On the 27 July 2020 our planning committee considered the application and agreed to give delegated authority to the Chief Planning Officer to grant planning permission subject to the completion of a planning obligation entered into by way of a Section 106 Agreement and the imposition of the conditions. You can view the report below.



This application was withdrawn on Friday 12 July 2024



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