On this page you will find links to information about the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), providing recreational habitat mitigation and links to our Infrastructure Delivery Plan and Infrastructure Funding Statements.
If you have any CIL questions please contact
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Developer Contributions Information
Information about the types of developer contributions required to meet local plan policy.
Development affecting European nature conservation areas
New dwellings in European nature conservation areas must be mitigated by a financial contribution.
Nutrient neutral development
Development in areas with nitrogen-rich water must provide a nutrient-neutral environment.
Recreational Mitigation Strategy
The Mitigation for Recreational Impacts SPD focuses on the recreational pressures arising from residential development on the New Forest European sites
Monitoring charges for legal agreements
In April 2022 we introduced a series of charges for monitoring on site requirements secured through legal agreements
Community Infrastructure Levy
The CIL charge applies to new homes and extensions, based on floor area.
Infrastructure Delivery Plan
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) identifies infrastructure requirements across the District
Infrastructure Funding Statement
The IFS sets out how developer contributions have been, and will be, used to provide infrastructure within our plan area.
Open space requirements
Found out about our local plan policy for the provision of new open space from developments.
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
The strategic flood risk assessment (SFRA) provides a comprehensive evidence base to support decision making on future development
Town centre maps
Aerial and 360 degree panorama of some of our towns highlighting key planning policy features