Council Tax reductions for annexes
Council Tax reduction for annexes
An annex is living accommodation that can be attached to the main property, or situated within the curtilage of the main property, which has been built or adapted to be used as self-contained accommodation.
The term curtilage means "the enclosed land and buildings immediately surrounding a property".
An annexe would include a property such as a flat above a garage, but not a coach house or a cottage in the grounds, which would not normally be part of the everyday use of the main property and would be banded separately for council tax.
Council Tax is normally paid in full for an annex. In certain circumstances you may be able to apply for a reduction.
You can apply for a 100% reduction where the annex is occupied by a dependent relative aged 65 or more, or is severely mentally impaired or disabled, or where the annex is empty and is not able to be let due to planning restrictions.
You can apply for a 50% reduction where the annex is occupied by a family member or where it is not occupied and used as part of the main residence.
Apply for a reduction
For more information and to apply for a reduction use the online form below.