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Food safety for our residents and visitors

From this page you can find the food hygiene rating of a local food premises in the New Forest, or you make a complaint if you are concerned about a food business. You can also get advise on safe cooking at home.

If you believe that have food poisoning and think it has been caused by a restaurant or other food outlet in the New Forest, you can report it to us. Email us at or via our complaint portal below.

If you are a business, you will find more information to help you at food safety for businesses.

Food hygiene rating

Find the hygiene rating of food business operators in New Forest.

Food hygiene complaints

Submit a complaint to us about a food business.

Food poisoning

Report infectious diseases to us and learn about preventing food-borne illness.

Advice on cooking at home safely

Keep your food safe for barbeques, picnics and private catering.

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